THE WORD: Drawing the net
The seventh parable in Matthew 13 is the Parable of Drawing the Net. Like the Parable of the Tares, the parable refers to the final judgment. The net described in the parable is likely a […]
The seventh parable in Matthew 13 is the Parable of Drawing the Net. Like the Parable of the Tares, the parable refers to the final judgment. The net described in the parable is likely a […]
The sixth parable in Matthew 13 is the Parable of the Pearl. Like the Parable of the Hidden Treasure, it was spoken only to the disciples by Christ. This short, one-verse parable has several nuanced […]
The fifth parable in Matthew 13 is the Parable of the Hidden Treasure, which was spoken only to the disciples by Christ. This short, one-verse parable has several nuanced interpretations. There is little disagreement that […]
The fourth parable taught by Jesus in Matthew 13 is the Parable of the Leaven. Like the old Brylcreem jingle, “a little dab’ll do ya,” Jesus tells his followers the kingdom of heaven is like […]
Jesus focused on seeds in the first three parables he taught by the Sea of Galilee in Matthew 13. The final seed parable — after the parables of the sower and of the wheat and […]
Last week we read about the sower of seeds, the first of eight parables Jesus taught beside the Sea of Galilee in Matthew 13. The second parable is the Parable of the Wheat and the […]
The 13th Chapter of Matthew begins with Jesus teaching beside the Sea of Galilee and includes eight parables. The first parable taught by Jesus was the Parable of the Sower. In the story, we hear […]
As America — and the world — celebrates the founding of America this week, we reflect on the divine underpinnings of freedom and the dichotomy between freedom and government. According to our founders — who […]
The notion of treating others as you want to be treated has been a hallmark of civilized societies since ancient times. In the Bible, the faithful were told to “love thy neighbour as thyself” in […]
In the Bible, the Ascension references the ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven forty days after his resurrection. The scriptures referencing the Ascension (in Luke and Acts) tell of a literal ascension which marked an […]
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