HILL: Social Security is the worst possible retirement plan
Social Security is a bad deal for everyone. No one born after World War II will receive more in benefits than they paid in payroll taxes into Social Security. It is as if everyone is […]
Social Security is a bad deal for everyone. No one born after World War II will receive more in benefits than they paid in payroll taxes into Social Security. It is as if everyone is […]
There is a move afoot in Washington where, by executive order, debt will magically be canceled for forty-six million adults, 16% of all households, who owe $1.75 trillion in student loans. According to a 2019 […]
Americans should celebrate failure more in America, not fear it. Failure means a person is at least trying to do something positive. Failure is the best way to learn how to succeed in the future. […]
Ever since Millennials and college-educated liberals flocked to defeat President Trump and replace him with a man they hardly knew, older folks who lived through the disastrous President Jimmy Carter years from 1977-1981 have been […]
American foreign policy since George Washington has been to avoid any “entangling alliances” overseas. Everyone in the West is understandably nervous about doing anything regarding Ukraine that will provoke a nuclear World War III, which […]
Not that long ago, the ACC Tournament was a matter of life-or-death for players, coaches and fans. It was a combination of a heavyweight boxing championship, Shakespearean drama, and good old morality plays right out […]
My Fellow Americans: During my campaign, I promised to be “honest” with you — even though I ran as a faux moderate and have governed like a left-wing, progressive European socialist. Ladies and gentlemen of […]
Tesla founder Elon Musk is scheduled to pay $11 billion in California state and federal taxes by April 15. That figure, $11 billion, would almost be equal to tax collections from all sources in South […]
In 1903, history professor John Spencer Bassett at little Trinity College in Randolph County wrote an article in his South Atlantic Quarterly, “Stirring Up The Fires of Race Antipathy”. “Now (Booker T.) Washington is a […]
Anti-Federalists such as Patrick Henry, George Mason and Richard Henry Lee who fervently opposed the ratification of the Constitution have been proven right. Their main concern was that an elite few would use the coercive […]
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