RALEIGH — Despite not knowing what the districts will look like, potential candidates are hard at work raising money for potential bids for Congress. One hotbed of activity is in the state’s 13th Congressional District currently held by Democratic Rep. Wiley Nickel.
Two candidates have already been working in the district and raising money: Johnston County DeVan Barbour, who ran second in the Republican primary in 2022; and Wake County resident Josh McConkey.
Barbour raised around $45,000 and sits on nearly $119,000 cash on hand in the race.
McConkey boasted of raising around $363,000 in the quarter, of which $250,000 was a personal loan.

A third candidate has also announced plans to explore a run, General Assembly staffer Jeff Hauser. In a press release earlier this week, Hauser, who lives in Johnston County, boasts ties to several current and former state legislators.
“I set up this committee to analyze my options after receiving several calls to consider a run,” said Hauser in a statement. “There is still some time before redistricting begins and I’m looking forward to exploring the process of potentially running for Congress.”
Hauser is currently a Research Assistant for Deputy Majority Whip Rep. Kristin Baker and formerly worked for Deputy Majority Leader Rep. Brenden Jones and former Rep. Bill Brawley.
He also served stints with the N.C. Republican Party and Gov. Pat McCrory’s 2016 campaign.
Bo Hines, the Republican nominee in the 13th District in 2022, reported raising a small amount but sources tell North State Journal he currently resides in Gaston County.