RALEIGH — Former state Sen. Ben Clark (D-Cumberland) has added his name to the list of candidates for lieutenant governor in 2024.
The Democrat, who served five terms in the General Assembly through last year, formally entered the race last week. He said he’d be a lieutenant governor “who will represent everyone” if elected.
Current Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is running for governor next year.
Clark represented Hoke and Cumberland counties in the Senate. He ran for Congress in 2022 and lost to GOP Rep. Richard Hudson in the 9th District.
Clark, a former Air Force officer who is now a military information technology contractor at Fort Bragg, lamented the overall tenor in the country and state.
On Saturday, longtime Rockingham County sheriff Sam Page announced his run for the office.
“I have dedicated my entire adult life to public service, and, as your next lieutenant governor, I pledge to continue protecting and serving the people of North Carolina,” Page, a Republican, said during his announcement at the county’s GOP headquarters.
Clark joins state Sen. Rachel Hunt of Charlotte in seeking the Democratic nomination. Chris Rey, a former mayor of Spring Lake who had also announced his candidacy months ago for the Democratic nomination, told the Fayetteville Observer he’s no longer running.
Republican hopefuls include state Rep. Jeffrey Elmore, of Wilkes County, Allen Mashburn, a pastor from Montgomery County and Hal Weatherman, former chief of staff to previous Lt. Gov. Dan Forest.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.