MATTHEWS: 2022 is likely to be a brutal year for Joe Biden and Democrats

President Joe Biden jokes about which reporter to call on for a question as he speaks about the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the State Dinning Room of the White House, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Normally, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is one of those times where I’m not hating it so much. 

For President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats, 2022 is likely to be a brutal year. 


For starters, history tells us that midterm election years are usually not good for the president’s party, as they are viewed as referendums on how that president has done their first two years in office. 

And polls across the board are telling us that nobody, not Democrats, not independents, and certainly not Republicans, of course, is happy with Biden. 

The primary reason for Democrat unhappiness with Biden stems from his inability to bring his party together to coalesce around his agenda. 

Considering how Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) effectively torpedoed Biden’s much-touted “Build Back Better” plan for the foreseeable future earlier this week, and seeing how both Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) remain staunch proponents of the filibuster — for which Democrats, in general, have newfound hate now that the Senate is at a 50/50 split — that is unlikely to change. 

But Biden and his fellow Democrats are also facing another issue from within, and it revolves around support from Hispanic voters, which began trickling away during the Trump years. It’s a trend which recent elections, including the September California recall election and the November 2021 off-year election, indicate is giving no sign of letting up. 

Though the percentages are small, in close elections it doesn’t take a massive swing to Republicans from a core Democratic voting bloc in order to change the course of a race. It just takes one or two percentage points. 

The issues independents have with Biden and the Democratic Party largely line up with the issues Republicans have with him. They don’t like his push for vaccine mandates, they don’t care for his constant COVID-19 fearmongering, and they don’t cotton to his economic plans. 

Biden’s Afghanistan exit strategy and his disastrous handling of it, which saw 13 U.S. Marines murdered trying to protect innocent Afghans and which for weeks afterward were fraught with peril for Americans who were stranded there, will also not help him. It has already solidified Republican opposition to him and likely will inspire some who may have sat out the 2022 midterm elections into making their voices heard on Election Day. 

Parents, even those in states other than red states, are also galvanized against the “woke” Critical Race Theory-based educational agenda Democrats are foisting — or at the very least are attempting to have foisted — on young children in public school classrooms across the country. 

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe found this out the hard way last month after he repeatedly insulted parents in the state by lying about coordinated efforts to implement a radical curriculum that revolves around teaching black children to believe they are perpetual victims of their white schoolmates’ “white privilege,” and that America is an inherently racist country. 

He also point-blank admitted during a debate that “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” an illuminating statement that happened during a contentious exchange between himself and Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin over whether parents should be given advance notice of when sexually explicit material was going to be taught to their children — another issue parents have with Democrats locally in various parts of the country. 

Not long after parents began showing up at school board meetings, Biden’s DOJ issued a memo that revolved around getting the FBI involved in “investigating” parents for alleged “threats,” a clear attempt at suppressing free speech. 

The ire of parents, independent voters and Hispanics towards Democrats continues to grow, and if they don’t change course, what happens in November at the ballot box is not going to be pleasant for them. 

Media analyst Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection.