MATTHEWS: Democrats flout mask rules they force on common folks

FILE — In this March 13, 2021 file photo Mayor London Breed speaks at a rally in San Francisco. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Breed, who has promoted restrictive measures aimed at curbing the coronavirus, was spotted at the Black Cat nightclub, Wednesday Sept. 15, 2021, dancing and singing without a mask, despite a strict city order to wear masks when inside. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File)

Last week, yet another prominent Democrat was caught not observing the mask rules she put in place for her city. But what was particularly revealing about the incident was not so much the mask violation but rather her response to it.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who is said to be a close political ally of Vice President Kamala Harris, went out to the “Black Cat” jazz club Wednesday in the city’s Tenderloin district, along with a group of friends that included Black Lives Matter leader/co-founder Alicia Garza.


As per the norm at any club, there was much partying, singing, dancing, eating, drinking and having a good time.

It just so happened that the same night Breed and her left-wing activist friends were enjoying the indoor festivities at the Black Cat sans masks, a San Fransico Chronicle reporter was there, spoke to Breed, and documented what she saw for the paper.

Mariecar Mendoza, who is the Chronicle’s senior arts and entertainment editor, wrote in her article that “Most patrons inside the subterranean venue, which serves food and drinks, did not wear a mask as mandated by the city of San Francisco.”

Breed, who would later claim she was there to celebrate a return to live music for the club, “had a table of drinks in front of her and was often holding one” but “spent the night dancing, singing along and posing for photographs without a face covering,” Mendoza also noted.

Video and photos from that night show Mendoza’s report was accurate.

Breed’s mask mandate for the city of San Francisco is very specific, as ABC7 reported.

“Everyone, including people who are fully vaccinated, must wear a well-fitted mask in indoor public settings at all times except,” the order states, “people may remove their well-fitted mask while actively eating or drinking.”

“Violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both,” reads the order at the top of the first page.

Mendoza interviewed Breed, but it was clear in the piece that the mayor wanted to gloss over being caught not following the rules she expects others to obey.

“I’ve been very careful, not just because I want to set an example but because I don’t want to get COVID,” Breed said at the time.

But a few days later, and as outrage grew, Breed, apparently exasperated by people having the nerve to call her to account, told reporters that she was disappointed that the focus of this story was her.

“The fact that this story became about me and less about the artists and nightlife, which I will continue to enjoy in San Francisco, is very unfortunate,” Breed whined.

Breed went on to say that she and her friends who were all flouting her mask rules “don’t need the fun police to come in and micromanage and tell us what we should or shouldn’t be doing.”

That says it all, doesn’t it? Consider it the modern-day version of “rules for thee, but not for me.”

If that’s the case then Breed needs to repeal the mask mandate immediately, because if she and her friend girls don’t want to fall victim to the dreaded “fun police” then no one else in the city should have to worry about it, either.

At another point when talking to reporters, Breed suggested that “the fact that this is even a story is sad.” Many people would agree, but not for the reasons she insinuates.

It’s sad indeed, and has been for over the last year or so, how Democrat politicians, including her fellow Californians like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Gov. Gavin Newsom, continue to behave as though the strict COVID mandates they advocate and put in place for others don’t apply to them.

Media analyst Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection.