NRCC announces 47 pick-up targets including one in NC for 2022 cycle

In this Dec. 22, 2015, photo, Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., is interviewed in St. Paul, Minn. Emmer, who has a year under his belt as a Minnesota congressman, has held 14 town halls in all corners of the sprawling 6th District. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) announced its initial offensive pick-up opportunities for the 2022 cycle. These 47 seats listed by the organization include 29 battleground Democrats where President Joe Biden lost the district or where the 2020 presidential or congressional margin was within 5%. 8 are underperforming Democrats, who won by less than 10% and underperformed the presidential ballot margin. Finally, there are 10 redistricting watch Democrats, who currently represent districts in states gaining or losing seats during the reapportionment, or represent districts in states that have a redistricting commission.

“We are just a few weeks into the Biden Administration and Americans are already seeing the job-killing initiatives House Democrats support,” said NRCC chairman Tom Emmer. “We will relentlessly hold House Democrats accountable for their socialist agenda and ensure voters understand the damaging impact policies like defunding the police, government-run health care and ending the Keystone XL Pipeline will have on Americans’ everyday lives.”


Listed in the group is NC-02, won by Rep. Deborah Ross in the November 2020 election. Held by former Rep. George Holding since 2016, the district was re-drawn in 2019’s redistricting session to favor Democrats. The current district is contained entirely in Wake County. Ross won the seat with 63% of the vote over Republican Alan Swain. 

Holding’s political team, led by Carter Wrenn, sent a series of emails in November and December to supporters highlighting his work in Congress over the past eight years. That led to speculation he would mount a run for the U.S. Senate in 2022 or another run for Congress pending the decisions made by the General Assembly this year.

Discussions with legislators have indicated that the redraw for the state’s Congressional and legislative disticts will not occur until well into the summer or fall with Census data not expected until the spring. 

“House Republicans start the cycle just five seats short of a majority and are prepared to build on our 2020 successes to deliver a lasting Republican majority in the House. We will stay laser-focused on recruiting talented and diverse candidates, aggressively highlighting Democrats’ socialist agenda and raising enough resources to win,” Emmer added.

About Matt Mercer 472 Articles
Matt Mercer is the editor in chief of North State Journal and can be reached at [email protected].