MOORE: Michigan Is headed back to rust belt poverty
Since the early days of Henry Ford, Michigan was the proud symbol of America’s industrial might. But then, starting in the 1970s, things went south — in part because of the might of the unions […]
Since the early days of Henry Ford, Michigan was the proud symbol of America’s industrial might. But then, starting in the 1970s, things went south — in part because of the might of the unions […]
“I have no respect for the passion of equality,” Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., one of America’s great jurists, once declared, “which seems to me merely idealizing envy.” But envy, and its sister vice, greed, are […]
Before President Joe Biden entered the White House, he consulted with several prominent historians about how to be a great commander in chief. Their answer: Grow government. Spend, spend, spend. Don’t worry about blowing up […]
This story could bring tears to your eyes. In Baltimore, Maryland, there are 23 schools in which not one single student tested “proficient in math.” Can we all agree these are schools that aren’t proficient […]
This is one of the greatest federal government scandals of all time. Many hundreds of thousands of federal employees have been getting a full-time paycheck from Uncle Sam (meaning from all of us) without showing […]
Almost every decision that has been made in Washington and in the states that deals with COVID-19 has been about politics and money, hundreds of billions of dollars, and not about public health. COVID-19 is […]
If you want to see a classic case of how President Joe Biden’s regulatory tendencies are strangling the U.S. economy and raising prices, look no further than the latest Justice Department efforts to kill an […]
How many times have you heard President Joe Biden or Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) berate the Trump tax cuts as “a giveaway to the rich”? Biden and congressional Democrats now want […]
President Joe Biden’s Labor Department recently announced a new rule that will permit money managers to play politics with trillions of dollars of people’s retirement savings. The administration is pushing environmental, social and governance investing, […]
The federal government is running annual $1 trillion to $2 trillion budget deficits, which is more than the entire gross domestic product of most nations. But if you believed that Republicans would take a chainsaw […]
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