JOHNSON: Some things are bigger than football
“This is what happens when God shows up!” These are probably not the words that you would expect to be spoken at a pep rally before one of the biggest high school rivalry football games […]
“This is what happens when God shows up!” These are probably not the words that you would expect to be spoken at a pep rally before one of the biggest high school rivalry football games […]
Widespread democratic ownership of personal property is a relatively recent phenomenon in human history. Diverse racial and gender ownership is even more recent. People in communist China do not really “own” their land, business or […]
“Washington, D.C. “September 1862 “The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong. “God cannot be for […]
I usually don’t watch a lot of local television news. Sometimes it’s just too depressing. But a heartbreaking story out of Fayetteville, North Carolina caught my attention after watching football. A nine-year old boy named […]
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