BURNS: Who cares what the numbers say about cancer?
Seven years ago, my husband Andy and I went to the beach for a week of rest and relaxation. Once we’d arrived, I left all the luggage in the car, grabbed my swimsuit, sunscreen and […]
Seven years ago, my husband Andy and I went to the beach for a week of rest and relaxation. Once we’d arrived, I left all the luggage in the car, grabbed my swimsuit, sunscreen and […]
At the end of March, a Gallup poll revealed that U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time since 1937. When Gallup began tracking church affiliation during the latter years of the […]
Alexis de Tocqueville visited America in the early days of the Republic on an official mission for the French department of the interior to study the US penitentiary system. What he discovered as he traveled […]
“This is what happens when God shows up!” These are probably not the words that you would expect to be spoken at a pep rally before one of the biggest high school rivalry football games […]
We meet to celebrate the birthday of America. Amid all the clash of conflicting interests, amid all the welter of partisan politics, every American can turn for solace and consolation to the Declaration of Independence […]
As COVID-19 has put our nation on lockdown and rapidly ushered abrupt change into our normal daily routines, I was thinking about how different the world was just three months ago. The holiday season was […]
Instead of pulling together as a team and pledging to join bipartisan efforts to help research and combat the coronavirus, Democrats have chosen to mislead people by willfully mischaracterizing the Trump administration’s plan to tackle the emerging […]
One of the largest religion-based reports on millennials and Gen Z was published this month by Barna Group and World Vision. It’s an intriguing collaboration, as Barna Group focuses extensively on faith and culture, and World Vision is […]
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from a former Seattle-area football coach who lost his job because he refused to stop praying on the field. But four conservative justices said Tuesday […]
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