The Word: The living Bible
The Bible is a living book. What it is to us depends on what we are to it. If we approach it with unbelief and sneers — then it shudders like a wounded thing and […]
The Bible is a living book. What it is to us depends on what we are to it. If we approach it with unbelief and sneers — then it shudders like a wounded thing and […]
Some people say there is no devil, but I am convinced he is real. I have personal experiences with him that left no room for doubt. He is right here in this world. Like a […]
Paul uses the term “persuaded” to express assurance. When he said he was persuaded of something regarding God, he meant he was fully convinced of its truth. It was a settled reality to him — […]
The mirror is a very common object. We have all seen our images in mirrors, as well as those of other people and objects. Two things are evident about these images. First, there must be […]
Heart trouble is a serious and highly unpleasant thing. We always feel sympathy for people who are so afflicted. Trouble with the natural heart, however, is not nearly so serious nor does it cause such […]
There was a certain kindergarten teacher who had one of her pupils mark on the blackboard each day to represent the weather. She had colored crayons, and different colors represented the different kinds of weather: […]
Be brave. Only the brave are strong. The coward is a weakling; if he has strength, he dares not use it. We must be brave, for life is a battle. The forces of good and evil are […]
A little boy was walking down the street rejoicing in the possession of a bright new penny. He was going to buy some candy with it — and he could almost taste it already. But […]
CAPTION: “Christ Carrying the Cross” by El Greco (c. 1580) is a painting in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. (Public Domain) By Charles Naylor One day as Jesus […]
A little boy was walking along a road one day when he met two larger boys. They sought to have some fun with the little boy by teasing him. One began to frighten him by […]
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