Heart trouble is a serious and highly unpleasant thing. We always feel sympathy for people who are so afflicted. Trouble with the natural heart, however, is not nearly so serious nor does it cause such distress, as spiritual heart trouble. There are two kinds of natural heart trouble: one is organic, the other sympathetic or nervous heart trouble.
The first is a diseased condition of the heart. The second is a reaction from something else.
In the spiritual life, there are also two kinds of heart trouble.
One comes from sin in the heart. In other words, it is organic heart trouble. The other is trouble that does not arise from sin, but is caused by something else.
Great suffering may come from either of these. But I am glad to tell you that I have found a specific and sure cure for heart trouble of every kind that afflicts the spiritual man.
We are told that man is born unto trouble, and that his days are full of trouble. Most of us know this to be true by personal experience. Trouble will always exist but all people are not affected in the same way by their troubles.
Trouble takes greater hold upon some people than others. Some have a way of meeting trouble and conquering it, so it does not affect their soul adversely. Others are continually troubled and bothered. They do not seem to be at peace. The trouble gets hold of their hearts. The trouble hinders them in their Christian life. Their countenance is a mirror of their heart. If they would tell what is in their hearts, they would be continually pouring out a tale of woe.
God meant for his people to be happy; not happy because they had no troubles but happy in spite of them.
When people realize that they are afflicted with natural heart trouble, they usually go to the doctor and get medicine.
When we have spiritual heart troubles, we ought to go to the Great Physician and get a remedy for our heart trouble.
Earthly physicians are often unable to cure heart trouble, but the Great Physician has a remedy that has never yet failed when properly used. It is a cure-all in the truest sense. There is no ill of the human heart that it cannot reach and overcome.
Have you spiritual heart trouble? God has a remedy that will be effectual in giving you not only immediate relief, but complete healing, and the fullest restoration, if you will take it according to directions.
The greatest trouble physicians have is getting patients to take their medicine according to directions. The Great Physician has the same trouble. People want to be cured but they do not want to take his remedy as he prescribes it. They cannot be cured, if they will not follow directions.
Do you wish to be cured of your heart trouble, whatever it is? God’s prescription was brought down from Heaven nearly two thousand years ago. You have had it in your house this long time.
This great prescription is found in John 14:1. Here Jesus says, “Let not your heart be troubled.” It shows that heart trouble is not necessary. It also shows that the responsibility for our having heart trouble rests upon us. He says, “Let not your heart be troubled,” and that certainly signifies that we have the power to prevent heart trouble. According to Jesus, then, believing in God is a complete cure for all heart trouble.
We may have many troubles in life but if we believe in God, it will prevent these things from causing the trouble to get into our hearts in a way that affects our Christian lives and hinders us in our service to God or to humanity.
Believing in God in the sense that provides a remedy for our troubles — means relying on him, taking his promises to be our very own, taking them as realities — realities to serve us just as practically and effectively as our hands or our eyes serve us.
Just believe in God. That is the remedy for your heart trouble. His promises will be fulfilled. He will take you through, though waves of trouble roll around you; and he will keep your heart in peace in the midst of the wildest storm or the greatest difficulty, and under the most unfavorable circumstances.
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior!” Isaiah 43:1-3
Charles Wesley Naylor is considered one of the most prolific and inspiring songwriters of the Church of God. He was bedridden for much of his adult life but wrote eight books, a newspaper column and more than 150 songs. Many of his writings are in the public domain.