Editor’s note: Anderson Clayton, chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party, was offered the opportunity to submit an op-ed to run side-by-side with this one by Jason Simmons with the proviso that it be written about what her party is for without mentioning anyone or any policy from the other side. We will run her piece if and when she submits it to North State Journal for publication.
The North Carolina Republican Party achieved historic victories in 2024, from statewide elections to local school boards. As we inaugurate a Republican president this week, we look ahead to 2025 with a bold vision for a new Golden Age of American Success.
When we elect Republicans, we know good policy follows. That’s how North Carolina has continued to attract jobs, families and businesses from across the country and the world. Republican leaders have implemented historic tax reform, reduced burdensome regulations and made critical updates to infrastructure. This is the product of a shared conservative vision of how government can best serve the people.
In 2025, we will bring President Donald Trump’s promise of a new Golden Age of American Success to life. Throughout the past year, we have heard from the forgotten men and women who feel the American Dream is out of reach. We reject that idea.
Emerging from the last four years is a nation ready to unleash a wave of dynamic business opportunity. As North Carolina has shown other states, cutting taxes for families and small businesses gives certainty to job creators and workers. We will lock in President Trump’s historic tax plan nationally and further reduce the burden of government by reducing rates and cutting wasteful spending. We will attract major manufacturing through the Made in America Pledge for large companies. And we will uphold President Trump’s commitment to No Tax on Tips, no tax on overtime and no tax on Social Security, helping hardworking Americans keep more of what they earn.
Taming the regulatory state will be just as important to this mission. This means both the executive and legislative branches must work to make it easier for businesses and workers to do their jobs and engage in our Free Enterprise system. It shouldn’t require endless pages of government forms to start a business or hire for a job. By cutting down on unnecessary regulations, we’ll foster an environment where entrepreneurs and small businesses can flourish.
The Republican Party is the party of innovation. We want to see new products, bold ideas, bigger dreams and historic investments in the United States of America. The best place to do it is North Carolina.
The Golden Age of Success also means helping make life affordable for American families.
Families are the first school of moral character, education, responsibility, patriotism and good citizenship. President Ronald Reagan said it best when he said that all great change in America begins at the dinner table. Republicans believe it should be easier for families to buy a home, put food on the table and send their children to a school of their choice.
Our state now boasts diverse school choice options, including charter schools, private schools and home schools. We have the best community college and university systems in the nation.
Even with these positive strides, we still have work to do to improve opportunities and outcomes.
Too many students are still struggling to read, do math or visualize their career path. We must encourage high goals and higher standards to achieve success.
A thriving economy and strong families need safe communities. The Republican Party is committed to enforcing the law and ensuring the safety of our cities and borders. Too many families have lost loved ones to crimes committed by individuals here illegally or due to drugs smuggled across our borders. That must stop.
Here in North Carolina, we’ve made public safety a priority. We require all 100 sheriffs to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, and we’ve stiffened penalties for those who damage or destroy property. We must continue to ensure that our communities remain places where families can live without fear.
Last year, our state suffered tragedy in western North Carolina. Thanks to the foresight of Republican leadership, we had the financial reserves to begin rebuilding and recovering. This is what responsible governance looks like — preparing for the unexpected and ensuring our state is resilient in the face of disaster.
An absence of leadership at the national level combined with destructive policies have damaged our economy, national security and education system. The challenges we face are significant, but they are not insurmountable. It’s time to live up to being the state where the weak grow strong, and the strong grow great.
In 2025, the New Golden Age of American Success begins in the Old North State.
Jason Simmons is chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party.