The Word: Forgiving others

"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins"

“The Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau” by Peter Paul Rubens (1624) is a painting in the collection of the Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh. (Public Domain)

One of the most striking things that Jesus taught was that we should forgive our enemies — and not only forgive them, but also adopt an attitude that indicates a complete change of feeling toward them. He came to break down walls built to separate the hearts of people.

The mercy that God shows in forgiving us puts us under the most solemn obligation to forgive others. Many find this the hardest of all things to do. But God tells us plainly that if we will not forgive others, then we ourselves cannot be forgiven. Forgiveness, therefore, is a part of true repentance, and repentance is not complete until the heart adopts the forgiving attitude toward every enemy.


God is disposed to forgive his enemies. He was so disposed to forgive sins against himself, that he gave his Son so that he might forgive transgressors. He sent his Son into the world to forgive — by changing the heart of the individual forgiven. He teaches us to forgive those who sin against us — and to leave all consequences in his hand.

Some say, “I just cannot forgive.” This is true of many professors of religion. These professors do not really forgive, for the thing still rankles in their hearts. Their forgiveness is often only from the lips.

We find many who are prejudiced against those who sin against them. This prejudice is manifested in a disposition to believe evil of them, or to put an unfavorable construction upon what they do or say. Behind such a prejudice lies a wrong attitude of heart, an unchristian attitude.

It matters not what an individual has done or said to us, nor what his attitude is toward us; if we hold the Christian attitude toward him — we shall feel a disposition to be perfectly fair with him. If we have a forgiving spirit clear down to the depths of our hearts — then we will hold that same attitude of kindness and pity that Jesus held toward those who did wrong toward him. While we hate his evil-doing — we nevertheless feel no animosity toward him.

Sometimes this lack of a forgiving disposition is manifested in the home. There is ill feeling, unpleasantness, a disposition toward criticism and faultfinding. The members of the same family, who ought to love and feel a real tenderness toward each other, are often alienated. What is needed in many families is forgiveness. Feelings will be hurt, and supposed rights will be trampled upon. The question is: Will we forgive these things — or will we let them start a canker in our hearts?

An unforgiving disposition is at the bottom of almost all church troubles. People cannot be talked together; they cannot be argued together; there is only one thing that will bring them together, and that is for all to show a genuinely forgiving spirit.

Why is it that people will not forgive? It is not what the other fellow has done — rather, it is what is in our hearts that prevents forgiveness. If we will not forgive — then it is because we are proud, stubborn, and self-willed. It is never hard to forgive when our own hearts adopt a proper attitude. Like God, then we desire to forgive.

Forgiveness issues in peace — or at least in a peaceful heart, for the one who forgives, and in a Christlike attitude toward the wrongdoer. Where this Christlike attitude does not exist — then there is no forgiveness. In the church where things are settled and then come up again to trouble, or where coldness, indifference, and lack of love are manifested — forgiveness is the one thing needed in the hearts of those who hold such an attitude.

A good lesson was impressed upon my mind when I looked in my concordance to see what was said in the Bible on this subject. I found the word “forgave,” then after it the word “forget,” and on a little way the word “forgive.” As “forget” stood right in the midst of “forgiveness” in my concordance — so it stands in the human heart. Forget is right in the heart of forgive — and if it is not that way in our hearts and minds — then it is because the right attitude of sincere forgiveness is not in our hearts.

Let us examine our hearts. Let us inquire whether we have a forgiving spirit, remembering all the while that a forgiving spirit does not abide in the same heart with hatred, bitterness, hardness and prejudice against people. When we forgive people — it softens our hearts toward them. When we are reconciled to our enemies — we partake of that same blessedness in our hearts that we have when we are reconciled to Christ. But if we forgive not — then we shall not be forgiven, and our hearts will be fertile soil to receive all the seeds of evil that Satan would sow therein.

Charles Wesley Naylor is considered one of the most prolific and inspiring songwriters of the Church of God. He was bedridden for much of his adult life but wrote eight books, a newspaper column and over 150 songs. Many of his writings are in the public domain.