SIMMONS: North Carolina will benefit from President Trump’s Made in America pledge

Republican leaders have made historic investments in infrastructure and broadband, particularly in our rural areas

Jason Simmons succeeded Michael Whatley as chair of the North Carolina Republican Party in March. (Courtesy North Carolina Republican Party)

Over the past decade, North Carolina has solidified its reputation as one of the most business-friendly states in the nation. Consequently, Americans are fleeing more progressive states with their burdensome regulations and higher cost of living and finding refuge from the disastrous Harris-Biden economy right here in North Carolina.

This is not by chance, nor did we become a business-friendly powerhouse overnight. After decades of Democrat leadership in North Carolina, Republicans gained control of the legislature in 2010 and have been laser-focused on creating an environment where businesses can thrive and families can prosper.


While our state’s natural beauty, from our beaches to the mountains, certainly plays a role in drawing new residents, it’s clear that policies encouraging economic growth and stability are the real driving force. With nearly a million new residents since 2010, North Carolina stands as a testament to what conservative leadership can achieve, even amid challenges like the pandemic and skyrocketing inflation.

Central to North Carolina’s rise is our commitment to reducing personal and corporate taxes. Republicans have slashed the corporate tax rate to the lowest in the country, allowing businesses to keep more of their earnings and reinvest in their operations. This has created a fertile ground for job creation and economic expansion, attracting companies and entrepreneurs from across the nation.

Looking ahead, we have even more reason for optimism. President Trump, who helped create nearly half a million manufacturing jobs in his first three years in office, is poised to bring even more jobs back to America — and North Carolina stands to benefit. His “Made in America” Pledge, which cuts the business tax rate to 15% for employers producing goods in the U.S., will be a boon to our manufacturing sector. Add to this his pledge to place tariffs on companies that outsource jobs overseas, and it’s clear that North Carolina’s pro-business tax policies will pair perfectly with national efforts to make America more competitive.

The success of any business is also built on strong infrastructure, and North Carolina has been making smart investments to support its growing population and industries. The Old North State is home to well-developed transportation networks, from highways to railroads and airports, which make it easy to move goods and people efficiently across the state and beyond. The expansion of broadband internet has also been a top priority, particularly in rural areas, allowing businesses to thrive and remote work opportunities to flourish. Year after year, Republican leaders have made historic investments in infrastructure and broadband, particularly in our rural areas.

These infrastructure improvements are not only making North Carolina more accessible but also positioning it as a leader in industries like tech, logistics and advanced manufacturing. Our competitive edge attracts both new companies and talented workers who want to enjoy life in a state that’s constantly growing and evolving.

A streamlined regulatory environment is another critical component of North Carolina’s success. Unlike the progressive strongholds of California and New York, businesses in our state don’t have to contend with the bureaucratic red tape and endless hurdles found in other parts of the country. The Republican-led legislature has worked tirelessly to cut through these barriers, creating a space where businesses can innovate, expand and hire without being bogged down by excessive regulation.

President Trump’s vision aligns with our state’s efforts to reduce regulations. His pledge to cut 10 existing regulations for every new one will create even more opportunity for North Carolina businesses to operate freely and efficiently. This kind of forward-thinking leadership is exactly what’s needed to supercharge the growth of industries across our state.

The bottom line? North Carolina Republicans have set the stage for continued economic success, and with President Trump’s bold vision and proven track record bringing jobs back to America, the future looks even brighter. Together, we have created a state that not only attracts businesses but also keeps them thriving. North Carolina is a place where opportunity meets quality of life, and with the right leadership, we will continue to be a beacon for growth and prosperity.

Jason Simmons is NCGOP chairman.