KRAWIEC: Time for deciding: socialism or capitalism?

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money”

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks in August in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. (Julia Nikhinson / AP Photo)

There could not be more of a contrast between the two candidates in the upcoming election. Like him or hate him, you know where Donald Trump stands on issues. That is, if you’re honest with yourself.

Most people have no idea where Vice President Kamala Harris stands on issues because her own words are now challenging her past beliefs and actions. There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind, but explain what you really believe. Are you truthful now or then? She refuses to say.


If you’ve been paying attention for a while, you know that Harris has a long history of far-left policies. She has consistently been listed as the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate. She has promoted socialist policies at every turn.

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money,” Margaret Thatcher once said.

Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried. Yet there’s always the next attempt to make it succeed. It only failed because this group or that group wasn’t in charge.

I was amazed at the Democratic candidates’ attempts to “out-socialist” each other in their last primary. Of course, the only honest one was Bernie Sanders. He admits he’s a socialist, and his supporters are huge fans. The others won’t dare admit it. Remember, Harris was to the left of Bernie on policy.

Polls show a sharp rise in the popularity of socialism. One poll showed that 70% of millennials had a favorable or somewhat favorable view of this failed system. Now that’s scary. I don’t care who you are. There was a sharp decline among older Americans. That’s at least a flicker of hope.

This doesn’t say much for our educational system. Obviously, history is not taught anymore, and these youngsters have no idea how economies work and what socialism is. Anyone who has even a clue would never support socialism.

I wonder if these swooning throngs of cheerleaders have ever heard of Venezuela. This oil-rich country, previously the richest country in South America, has been turned into a hellhole under socialism. People can’t feed their families, there are long lines to purchase the few commodities available, incomes plummet and there’s triple-digit inflation.

I find it interesting, under socialism, that the product that’s least available is toilet paper. Why is that? Perhaps it’s considered a luxury and not a necessity?

Logic tells us to look to the past and learn from it. We look to the past because it proves our belief system, our view of human nature, what works, what doesn’t, etc. Some look to the future because it can’t disprove their theories. Socialists always look to the future, never to the past.

Most people realize that communism is a bad thing. Socialism is the first step to communism. All socialists are not communists, but all communists are socialists. Under communism, the state owns all property; under socialism, the state controls all production. We are still able to own property under socialism, but the government controls everything produced.

Consider what you’re most frustrated with. It’s usually a government agency. If you’re unhappy with a service person or a vendor, you just take your business somewhere else. Government agencies give you nowhere to go.

Dr. Thomas Sowell said, “Socialism is a wonderful sounding idea. It’s only as a reality that it’s a disastrous idea.” It sounds so good; it must work. Someone else just needs to be in charge.

The promise of socialism is “something for nothing. “ Paid for by raising taxes on “the rich.” The problem with socialism is that only those in control are “rich.”

Socialism is an immoral system, but facts are not allowed to cloud the vision of a socialist utopia. Under socialism, something that’s immoral when done privately becomes moral when done collectively. Remember, legality does not define morality. Slavery was legal, and so was hanging horse thieves, but it was definitely immoral.

Socialism is brutal. More people have died under socialist dictators than in all wars. Most died from starvation, but many were murdered by these ruthless thugs.

People are poor because they are unable or unwilling to produce something of value for their fellow citizens. Under capitalism, anyone can become wealthy by pleasing their fellow man. We have many billionaires who came from humble beginnings and changed the world with their genius. Bill Gates comes to mind.

People in countries closer to freedom on the spectrum have far greater wealth and far greater human rights protections. Capitalism, under a free society, is a moral system.

Beware of rhetoric vs. reality. Ideas should be tested against facts. Facts are stubborn, and they shouldn’t be ignored. Look to the past to confirm beliefs and see if they worked.

Sen. Joyce Krawiec has represented Forsyth County and the 31st District in the North Carolina Senate since 2014. She lives in Kernersville.