The Bible recounts some interesting stories of lions.
We all remember the story of Daniel — how he was cast into the den of lions, and how during the long watches of the night he sat there in their den unharmed. What was expected to be the tragedy of his life proved to be his most glorious victory. The expected triumph of his enemies was turned into their utter defeat — and Daniel, stronger and more courageous than ever, came forth to continue his service to God.
Samson too had an experience with a lion. As he was going along the road one day he met a lion, and it attacked him. He had no weapons — yet he met it courageously. We are told in Judges 14, “The Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat.” Later he was passing that way and found a swarm of bees had entered the dried carcass of the lion and made their abode there, and he took of the honey and went on his way.
In the thirteenth chapter of 1 Kings we find another lion story. Here a prophet sent of God went to Samaria and prophesied as God had commanded him, and according to the commandment he started back on his way to Judea. God told him not to eat or drink there, but to go back immediately by a different way from that by which he came. He started to obey, but sat down to rest by the wayside. While he was here, another prophet came and persuaded him to go back and dine with him. Then, as he went upon his way, a lion met him and slew him.
The lions of these stories may be likened to our trials. We meet trials every now and then in life, and some of them seem very much like lions. Sometimes we try to run away from a trial, but as surely as we do, we meet another in the pathway in which we go.
We are certain to have trials but must meet them properly. Good people still have trials through no fault. Daniel was not thrown into the lions’ den due to lack of faith or unrighteousness. No, his faithfulness resulted in his meeting the lions.
It will be that way in our lives. If we are true and loyal to God, that loyalty is sure to bring us trials. Daniel had his choice in the matter. He could have been disloyal and escaped the lions but he chose loyalty and the full consequences, whatever they might be. God wants us to be Daniels too. He does not want us to swerve an inch from the truth in order to evade any sort of trial. If we are true, and as a result of that truth, a great trial like being thrown into a den of lions comes upon us, and every earthly hope seems shut off, and there is no help from anywhere then what shall we do? Despair? Ah, no. God will send his angel and shut the lion’s mouth for us, just as he did for Daniel. Dare to be true. God will stand by you even in the most trying and desperate hour.
It was not a test of his standing true, that brought Samson face to face with the lion. He met the beast just by accident. He got into trouble unwittingly. The first thing he knew, he was face to face with the lion. That is just the way it happens with us sometimes — we get into a trial without any seeming reason for it; we are not expecting anything of the kind.
If the prophet in Samaria had gone in the way that God commanded him — then he would not have met the lion that slew him. It was his disobedience that caused the trouble. Sometimes trials are our own fault.
Regardless of the cause, trials come, and we must meet them. We have no choice in the matter. The important thing is to meet them right.
Daniel knew he had done right and pleased God. He met his trial with a calm peace and full assurance that God would take care of him, and God did take care of him. He came through because God was his helper.
Trials can make or mar us. Either we come out of them stronger than we went in — or we come out of them weaker. We have either joy or sorrow from them. We should meet our trials as Samson met the lion. Face them boldly. Do not run or shrink. If you seem to have no adequate weapon to use against them, trust in God and meet them boldly anyway.
Conflict must always precede victory. The lion must be killed before the honey. Face your trials boldly and overcome them. Then you may taste the sweets of victory. If you will believe it and do your part — then God will do his, and you will triumph.
Charles Wesley Naylor is considered one of the most prolific and inspiring songwriters of the Church of God. He was bedridden for much of his adult life but wrote eight books, a newspaper column and over 150 songs. Many of his writings are in the public domain.