This has been a truly exciting week in the realm of politics. You may be tired of hearing about it all, but I must weigh in. I can’t help myself.
An assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump killed an innocent rally attendee and injured two others. There are many questions about security at the event. The questions are numerous, and so far there have been no answers. Obviously, something went terribly wrong. The details of the horrendous act reveal a failure of security measures, and one wonders how this could possibly happen. Security 101 would have prevented this tragedy.
The Republican National Convention was amazing. It was uplifting and inspiring, and there was a unified atmosphere like we have never seen. Patriotism was displayed and love of this country was exhibited in full display.
As I write this, President Biden has just announced that he is ending his campaign for reelection. We knew he was experiencing tremendous pressure from Democrats to get out of the race. He finally relented and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris.
I have no idea what the rules are regarding this turn of events, but it sure seems strange. Let’s see if I have this straight. President Biden went through the process of a primary season in which he was vetted and received millions of votes. After the candidate is selected, through the established process, the party can decide to throw the candidate to the curb. The party has stated that “polling indicates the candidate will lose.” I didn’t know we could make this change based on polling data. I thought the Democrat Party was the party that’s so concerned about “losing democracy.” This is not democracy.
Some will argue that the president made the decision to end his campaign. We all know that isn’t true. Just two short days before, he was discussing his eagerness to get back out on the campaign trail. He has been adamant that he was moving forward because he was the best candidate to beat Donald Trump.
There has been a huge conspiracy played on the American public for at least four years. The Democrats and the mainstream media have all played along, and now they must reap what they have sown. Many of us knew the president was experiencing cognitive issues before the 2020 election. It was evident for anyone who paid attention and wanted to see it. We were lied to, and President Biden was allowed to hide in his basement, in 2020, without being truly vetted by the American people.
Throughout his presidency, there have been many incidents revealing the president’s cognitive failures. Still, the Democrats and the media covered up. They even went so far as to call these reports “cheap fakes” and claim the films were edited. Of course, they were not.
After the June debate, there was no denying there were serious problems with the president’s capabilities. The world had finally seen what many had known since the beginning of his campaign. We cannot UNSEE it.
Now Biden is out, Kamala Harris is in, and we have no idea if others will be joining the fray. An open convention could be exciting, but it would not likely bring much unity to the party. My guess is the party will coalesce behind the Harris ticket. It will be interesting to see who she names as her vice presidential candidate. Perhaps Gov. Roy Cooper.
It will also be interesting to see the campaign strategy. Likely, the names will be changed, but the failed policies will still be front and center. I first thought I would be anxious to see if they would change just a little to try to talk about the record they have over the last four years. Then I realized they have no successes to talk about.
So far, the campaign has run on the fact that they’re not Donald Trump. They also are running on Jan. 6 and abortion. The American people are focused on failed immigration policies, out of control inflation, escalating crime, etc. These are the issues that most Americans are dealing with daily, and they want to hear what the plans are to fix them.
The real question is looming. If Biden is not competent to run for reelection, how on Earth is he capable of serving the next six months? This is scary to think that someone who is lacking cognizance has access to the nuclear codes. No worries? He can’t remember them.
The American people have been lied to, and Vice President Kamala Harris was the biggest ally to the lie. What’s next? Hang on tight. This might be a wild ride.
Sen. Joyce Krawiec has represented Forsyth County and the 31st District in the North Carolina Senate since 2014. She lives in Kernersville.