THE WORD: How can we ever get there?

“The Light of the World” (circa 1851) is a painting by William Holman Hunt in the collection of Keble College, Oxford, England. (Public Domain).

“To Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy!” Jude 1:24

Jude’s little epistle is full of warnings against disobedience and unbelief. It is well that we remember always, that those who live in sin shall certainly perish forever.


The closing lines of the epistle are full of hope and encouragement for those who keep themselves in the love of God, and look for the mercy of Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

The benediction is singularly beautiful and rich in its assurance. Jesus Christ is able to keep us from stumbling in all our journey through the world. This is a wonderful promise and assurance. Life is full of dangers and temptations — and we cannot keep ourselves.

Heaven is promised to us — but Heaven is far off and the way is perilous. How can we ever get there? Christ will care for us; He will keep us not only from falling — but even from stumbling.

There is something else He will do — He will set us before the glory of God without blemish, at last! This twenty-fourth verse alone makes the whole epistle worthy of the place it holds in the sacred Scriptures.

J.R. Miller was a pastor and former editorial superintendent of the Presbyterian Board of Publication from 1880 to 1911. His works are now in the public domain.