WHATLEY: Republican ground game is unmatched

NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley

Time flies when you’re having fun, but in our case, time flies when you’re working to send Republicans to Washington and take back Congress. It’s less than 40 days out from the election and GOP momentum is high.

The North Carolina Victory Team, a joint operation of the Republican National Committee and North Carolina Republican Party, just reached a significant milestone by exceeding three million voter contacts for this cycle. This milestone could not have been achieved without the over 68,000 volunteers engaged across the Tar Heel State who have made millions of phone calls and knocked thousands of doors.


Our field team is working hard to outperform all metrics to maximize voter turnout this November. Just because the Victory team has hit three million voter contacts doesn’t mean we stop there. Over 720,000 doors have been knocked and over 2.3 million phones have been called – and this is just the beginning. The North Carolina Victory team has maintained a permanent data-driven ground game for years with no plans to let up.

This election is, without a doubt, an important one. Joe Biden and Democrats like Cheri Beasley are detached from North Carolinians. Issues that matter to families and business have fallen to the wayside under Democrat leadership. Meanwhile, Republicans are focusing on issues that matter to voters in all communities: access to education, keeping our communities safe and lowering prices for everything from gas to groceries.

While Republicans are reaching out to voters across the Tar Heel state, Democrats are promoting policies and aligning themselves with a failed president that has taken an economic recovery and turned it into a recession.

As Biden’s approval rating continues to fall, he has become a drag on Democrat candidates like Cheri Beasley. It has been crisis after crisis under the Biden administration and North Carolinians are paying the price.

This historic inflation has put families in tough spot at the cash register, along with a supply chain crisis and baby formula shortage that has left families struggling to feed their infants and put food on the table. An out-of-control border crisis has made our communities less safe because every town is a border town under this administration. Crime continues to spike and Democrats’ only solution is to add insult to injury and defund the police.

The RNC is heavily invested and is not letting up in holding North Carolina Democrats accountable and reaching voters with a message of opportunity and growth. This is why it is so vital that Republicans continue to keep up their ground game. The North Carolina Victory team continues to build upon its success in cycles past. In 2018, the Victory team didn’t exceed 1.2 million voter contacts total and we have already more than doubled that so far this election cycle. 

We’ve already seen the fruits of North Carolina Victory’s robust-ground game. Thanks to the RNC’s investment in North Carolina, there is immense manpower behind Congressman Ted Budd and Republicans on the ticket this fall. As a result of our expanded efforts in state, North Carolina Republicans are well positioned to send GOP candidates to Washington and Democrats home this November.

Michael Whatley is the chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party