First female premier poised to take helm of Italy government

Far-Right party Brothers of Italy's leader Giorgia Meloni speaks to the media at her party's electoral headquarters in Rome, early Monday, Sept. 26, 2022. Italians voted in a national election that might yield the nation's first government led by the far right since the end of World War II. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

ROME — A conservative party won the most votes in Italy’s national election, setting the stage for talks to form the country’s first right-led government since World War II, with Giorgia Meloni at the helm as Italy’s first female premier. 

Italy’s lurch to the far right immediately shifted Europe’s geopolitics, placing Meloni’s Brothers of Italy in position to lead a founding member of the European Union and its third-largest economy. 


“If we are called to govern this nation, we will do it for everyone. We will do it for all Italians and we will do it with the aim of uniting the people,” Meloni said.