Mass walkout in Geneva over Russian speech

Ambassadors and diplomats leave the room while Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov (on screen) addresses with a pre-recorded video message the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, Switzerland, Tuesday, March 1, 2022. The diplomats got up and left the room when Sergei Lavrov's pre-recorded video message began to play, in protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone via AP, Pool)

GENEVA — Scores of diplomats have walked out of two meetings at the United Nations in Geneva in which Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was beamed in for a video statement, as a protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Lavrov spoke by video to the Conference on Disarmament and the Human Rights Council, which he had planned to attend before closure of airspace to Russian planes by several European countries prevented his travel to the Swiss city.


“What you have seen is strong support for Ukraine,” said Bonnie Jenkins, U.S. Undersecretary of State for arms control and international Security, after the walkout from the disarmament meeting.

Shortly afterward, in a conference room two floors higher, scores of diplomats — including Ukraine’s ambassador in Geneva and the foreign ministers of Canada and Denmark —poured out of the Human Rights Council chamber.

A spokesman for the council said about 100 people left the room.