DOWD: Biden’s deliberate border chaos

FILE - In this Thursday, June 10, 2021, file photo, a pair of migrant families pass through a gap in the border wall to reach the United States after crossing from Mexico to Yuma, Ariz. (AP Photo/Eugene Garcia, File)

Presidential aspirants often tout what they will do “Day One” if elected. These pledges signal the policy priorities of the incoming chief executive. So, facing a raging pandemic, a sagging economy, and global threats, what was President Joe Biden’s top priority Day One?   

Dismantle Trump-era border protections.   


With the stroke of a pen, Biden signed orders to end the “zero tolerance” policy on prosecuting illegal border crossings, halt construction of President Trump’s U.S.-Mexico border wall and reinstate a program that grants work permits and protection from deportation to people brought illegally to the U.S. as children. This predictably unleashed a tidal wave of illegal immigration.  

More than two million people unlawfully crossed the U.S.-Mexico border last year, more than quadruple the number of illegal entries in 2020. That doesn’t count the untold number who were never detected. Millions more are expected this year.   

It’s not just that Biden looks the other way while a few million people sneak into the United States. Every night, under cover of darkness, the feds are transporting illegal migrants on secret charter flights into unsuspecting communities across America.   

Officials have obstructed the few who have tried to learn the truth about these clandestine flights. “The government is betraying the American people,” a federal government contractor told a Westchester County police officer in a bodycam-recorded conversation at the county airport on Aug. 13, 2021. The men were discussing a federal chartered flight, which had landed after hours at the Westchester Airport, one of the almost nightly surreptitious flights that last year began shuttling migrants from the border into the American heartland.   

Throughout the encounter, police Sgt. Michael Hamborsky expresses frustration that local police have been given no information about the flights arriving after curfew, in a clear breach of airport security protocols. When pressed, federal contractors admitted they “didn’t want the media” witnessing illegal immigrants being relocated.  

The officially sanctioned lawlessness does not stop there. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas recently boasted, “We have fundamentally changed immigration enforcement. For the first time ever, our policy explicitly states that a noncitizen’s unlawful presence in the United States will not, by itself, be a basis for the initiation of an enforcement action.”  

Translation: For the first time ever, breaking the law to enter America is no longer against the law. And thanks to new federal rules, illegal aliens who commit crimes will not be automatically deported unless they are deemed a “threat to public safety,” and usually not even then.   

Biden’s open borders, his commitment not to deport illegals, even allowing them to commit crimes, is literally indefensible. Americans want to see our border and our communities protected. A recent CNBC poll found 69% of respondents disapproved of Biden’s handling of the border, and 85% rated the “current state of immigration” as “poor.” Americans rated immigration as the second-most urgent issue facing the country today after inflation.   

Millions of Americans consider the ongoing border crisis one of Biden’s biggest failures, surpassed only by his disastrous retreat from Afghanistan where he left thousands of U.S. citizens and green card holders behind enemy lines. But Biden doesn’t view America’s breached border as a failure, but instead a stunning triumph.   

Why else would Biden willfully erase the southern border, then ignore the inevitable humanitarian and national security disaster he created? Why would he add millions of illegals to the nation ‘s already strained education, healthcare, social welfare and criminal justice systems?   

Because he knows any political price he will pay is an easy trade-off for the millions of new Democrat voters streaming into the country.   

As Democrats in Blue states water down election laws, this new influx of illegal migrants will show up on Election Day demanding ballots, making it impossible for swamped officials to verify their immigration status. And the proposed federal ban on voter ID would prevent election workers from seeking proof that these people are even who they say they are. 

Eliseo Medina of the Service Employees International Union gives up the game, boasting that an influx of illegals “will create a governing coalition for the long-term, not just for an election cycle.” They aren’t even trying to hide it any longer.   

The fix for all this chaos is simple — throw the lawless Democrats out of power and enforce the bi-partisan immigration laws that have been on the books for decades to protect America.   

If we don’t, we will lose our country. As Ronald Reagan said, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”  

Frank Dowd IV, Chairman of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company, is a registered Independent. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry is a 120-year-old U.S. manufacturer of cast iron and plastic pipe and fittings, with seven plants around the country.