RALEIGH — North Carolina Treasurer Dale Folwell has requested the state conduct an audit of the finances of the town of Goldsboro.
Folwell is asking State Auditor Beth Wood to conduct a thorough audit of the town, which is currently on the Local Government Commission’s (LGC) assistance list. The town has not submitted the required annual audit for the last two years. According to Folwell, Goldsboro’s 2019 audit showed signs there may be trouble with day-to-day fiscal management.
“It is troubling that the state’s 30th largest city, the county seat and home to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, no less, has been unable to get its act together to conduct a basic but critical oversight function. Audits are necessary to assess financial well-being, to ensure bills are being paid and money is not missing,” said Folwell, following a Goldsboro City Council meeting on Jan. 10 attended by LGC staff.
LCG Deputy treasurer and director Sharon Edmundson addressed the Goldsboro City Council, saying that failure to provide timely audits can impact requests for debt approval and lead to an inability to borrow money.
Goldsboro Mayor David Ham said the city takes the audit request seriously, and, while the state auditor’s office has not yet contacted them, they will cooperate with Wood’s office when the time comes.
“Hardworking Goldsboro taxpayers deserve to know their elected and appointed officials uphold the highest standards as stewards of public funds,” Folwell said in a statement. “That confidence is lacking at this point, so I am asking State Auditor Beth Wood to investigate the city’s books and financial statements. We stand ready, willing and able to assist her staff, the city administration and elected officials in this process, and to make sure all records are properly preserved for examination.”