Beijing accuses US of inciting Lithuania over Taiwan

In this photo released by the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eric Huang, newly appointed director to the representative office, third from right, poses with other staffers outside the Taiwan Representative Office in Vilinius, Lithuania on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. Taiwan opened the representation office in Lithuania's capital Vilnius Thursday, in a move set to anger Beijing. (Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs via AP)

BEIJING — Beijing on Monday accused Washington of inciting Lithuania to “contain China” in a feud over the status of self-ruled Taiwan after U.S. officials expressed support for the European Union-member country in the face of Chinese economic pressure. 

Lithuania is the latest flashpoint in China’s campaign to pressure companies and foreign governments to adopt its positions on Taiwan, Tibet and other sensitive issues. 


“The United States has instigated the Lithuanian authorities to undermine the ‘one-China principle’,” said a foreign ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin. “It has supported, aided and abetted them in going further down the wrong path to achieve its political calculations to contain China.” 

American and Lithuanian officials say China has blocked imports from the northern European country since the Taiwanese government was allowed to open a trade office there under the name Taiwan. 

In a phone call last week, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai expressed “strong support” to a European official for Lithuania “in the face of economic coercion,” Tai’s office said in on its website. 

The U.S. and most other governments, including Lithuania, have diplomatic relations only with Beijing but maintain commercial and informal political ties with Taiwan’s democratically elected government. 

Beijing retaliated for Lithuania’s move by expelling the Lithuanian ambassador. Lithuania has closed its embassy in Beijing.