Cooper says COVID numbers are down, encourage vaccines

RALEIGH — Governor Roy Cooper said the state has seen COVID cases “taper off” and that more people had made a decision to receive a vaccination.

Cooper and health secretary Mandy Cohen provided an update on the state’s COVID-19 key metrics and trends at a briefing on Wednesday.


“We are grateful to see this latest surge in COVID-19 taper off,” said Governor Cooper. “And as we try to drive down our numbers, we know what works. Vaccines. The more people who get their shots, the less COVID we’ll have.”

The governor’s comments came as national and state COVID numbers were trending down from a summer high. The CDC recently moved 21 N.C. counties out of the “High” community spread category. Hyde County is now listed with “Low” community spread.

“I am encouraged to see that every day more people are making the decision to get vaccinated,” said Secretary Mandy K. Cohen, M.D. “Getting vaccinated is a powerful action you can take to protect your health, to protect your loved ones, and to help end this pandemic at last.”

To date, North Carolina has administered over 11.5 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, with 66 percent of the adult population fully vaccinated. 71 percent of adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine, including 92 percent of North Carolinians 65 and over.