CEO: Dominion wants money back from anti-Youngkin PAC

Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, right, gestures as Democratic gubernatorial candidate and former governor Terry McAuliffe, left, looks on during a debate at the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Va., Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

RICHMOND, Va. — Dominion Energy’s CEO said the company’s political action committee didn’t properly vet an anti-Glenn Youngkin PAC before giving it large donations, and Dominion wants its money back.

Dominion has a long history of transparent and bipartisan political giving, but news stories highlighted activities of the Accountability Virginia PAC that they wouldn’t knowingly support, CEO Bob Blue said in an email to employees Monday.


“Although familiar with the Accountability Virginia PAC sponsors, we failed to vet sufficiently the scope of their intended activities. In as much, we have asked that our contributions be returned,” Blue wrote.

The email comes after reports that Dominion donated $200,000 to the PAC that looks aligned with Democrats but is attacking the Republican nominee from the right on gun issues, The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. The PAC’s ads, which make it look like conservatives aren’t happy with Youngkin, are running in rural areas that support him, in an attempt to lower voter turnout for him.

Dominion won’t be giving to organizations like this in the future, Blue said.

Youngkin’s campaign issued a statement Saturday attacking Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe and Dominion.

McAuliffe’s campaign declined to answer questions, including whether McAuliffe was aware of the PAC’s involvement.