NC governor refuses to take position on Critical Race Theory

North Carolina Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper speaks at the state's National Guard headquarters in Raleigh. Photo via N.C. DPS

RALEIGH – At a July 21 press briefing, Gov. Roy Cooper refused to take a position on what has become a hot-button education issue across the country: whether Critical Race Theory, a Marxist concept, should have its components used in the state’s public schools.

Critical Race Theory is based in the belief that all facets of society, all people, and history are inherently racist and that resolution or redemption for those people or societal structures is not possible.


At the press briefing, Cooper was asked directly his position on the issue.

Gov. Cooper responded, “What I think is we need a good teacher in every classroom and a good principal in every school. And we need to keep them safe from COVID-19. That’s what I’m focused on right now.”

In a follow-up question, Cooper was asked about his position on a bill that would ban the concepts from classrooms that is currently making its way through the General Assembly.

That measure, House Bill 324, would prohibit public schools from compelling students to affirm or profess belief in discriminatory concepts such as one race or sex being superior to another, inherent racism, sexism, or oppression, or character traits, values, moral codes, or privileges ascribed to a certain race or sex.

Despite attempting to deflect from answering, Cooper said he hadn’t seen that legislation come from the General Assembly.

While Gov. Cooper wouldn’t either support or oppose Critical Race Theory, many state leaders have railed against its tenets.

Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Eden) said he opposes Critical Race Theory, and recently, “I will combat it with everything that I have, because it undoes the framework that produced the most successful ongoing experiment in self-government in the history of mankind.

Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson has spoken against Critical Race Theory on numerous occasions, saying that it is “Not about equality; it is about teaching students that because of the color of your skin, you are either oppressed or an oppressor and ushing students towards this ideology will lead us to a divided and wrongful future.”

About Matt Mercer 472 Articles
Matt Mercer is the editor in chief of North State Journal and can be reached at [email protected].