RALEIGH — U.S. Republican Rep. Ted Budd (NC-13) questioned the role of what his office says is the influence of a liberal activist organization on Gov. Roy Cooper’s “Doses to Doors” COVID-19 vaccination program.
“With nearly 70% of the United States population having received at least one vaccine dose, I agree that we must continue to provide North Carolinians access to vaccines, but I am concerned by reports about certain non-profit groups involved with the ‘Doses to Doors’ program. Any entity that receives or is involved in an outreach campaign financed by tax dollars should be carefully scrutinized to make sure those dollars are not put toward sending workers door-to-door under the guise of public health if they are, in fact, political activists with potentially compromised motives for obtaining contact information on thousands of people,” Budd’s letter reads.
His concern focused on the liberal activist organization Action NC, which was formerly part of ACORN in North Carolina and was run by the same activist, Pat McCoy.
The letter continues, alleging that Action NC focuses on community organizing and left-wing “get-out-the-vote” initiatives.
“It is unacceptable that this clearly partisan organization without any clear public health expertise is using taxpayer funds to go door-to-door,” the letter continues.
Budd included a list of questions for Cooper, including how his office selected the organizations to participate, what information is being gathered and if the organizations keep any personal or health information from the campaigns.