Pence laying groundwork for his political future

Vice President Mike Pence speaks during a campaign rally at an airplane hangar, Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020, in Greenville, S.C. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The former vice president is steadily reentering public life as he eyes his professional and political future after the Trump administration. Mike Pence is joining conservative organizations, writing op-eds, delivering speeches and launching an advocacy group that will focus on promoting the Trump administration’s accomplishments.

Pence has unique challenges as he reenters the political fray. For someone who built a reputation as one of Trump’s most steadfast supporters, Pence is now viewed with suspicion among many Republicans following the contested 2020 election and subsequent second impeachment of President Donald Trump. 


If Pence were to enter the 2024 GOP presidential primary, he would have to reinforce his loyalty to Trump while defending his decisions during the final days of the administration. If anyone can achieve this awkward balance, some Republicans say, it’s Pence.

“Anybody who can pull off an endorsement of Ted Cruz and become Donald Trump’s vice-presidential nominee should not be counted out,” said Republican strategist Alice Stewart, who worked for Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign when Pence endorsed him. “He has a way of splitting hairs and threading the needle that has paid off in the past.”