Club for Growth backs Budd in U.S. Senate race

Club for Growth PAC endorsement of Ted Budd via Club for Growth

RALEIGH – The Club for Growth, an influential conservative organization focused on limited government and fiscal issues, announced it was backing U.S. Rep. Ted Budd in the state’s 2022 Republican U.S. Senate primary.

The endorsement came hours after Budd’s official entry in the primary.


“Rep. Budd has already proven that he is a conservative champion in the House fighting against reinstating earmarks, bloated budgets, and tax increases,” said Club for Growth PAC President David McIntosh. “Rep. Budd would be an excellent addition to the Senate and North Carolinians can always count on him to protect their taxpayer dollars and stand up to the special interests in Washington.”

Budd has a 97% lifetime rating on the Club for Growth Foundation’s Economic Scorecard. Among the issues cited for Budd’s endorsement are his stances opposing reinstating earmarks, supporting term limits, and parental choice in education.

He was boosted by the Club for Growth PAC in his first campaign, a 17-person Republican primary in 2016.

“It’s an honor to receive this endorsement. As your senator, I will cut government spending, defend your Constitutional rights, protect life and liberty, and uphold North Carolina conservative values,” Budd tweeted on Wednesday.

The Club for Growth PAC says it has won over 80% of its races in which they have supported a candidate.

About Matt Mercer 472 Articles
Matt Mercer is the editor in chief of North State Journal and can be reached at [email protected].