WHATLEY: President Trump has kept his promises

President Donald Trump acknowledges the crowd following a speech at a campaign rally in Fayetteville, N.C., Monday, Nov. 2, 2020. (AP Photo/Karl DeBlaker)

The most important election of our lifetime takes place tomorrow. It’s absolutely critical that the Tar Heel state turns out in force for President Donald Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis, Dan Forest and Republicans all the way down the ballot. 

President Trump has earned four more years in office. Why? Because unlike typical politicians, he has delivered on the promises he made as a candidate in 2016. His most recent victory for the American people, Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court is just the latest example of his ironclad record of delivering real results. 


President Trump promised to rebuild our military after years of neglect from the Obama-Biden administration. The result? President Trump, working with Senator Thom Tillis, has secured record-breaking pay raises for our troops and spearheaded landmark VA reforms. President Trump has delivered ample resources to our military and revolutionized the way we care for our heroes. Promise made, promise kept.

President Trump promised to defend and secure our borders. The result? Illegal border crossings have plunged, thanks in large part to a landmark deal President Trump made with Mexico causing the Mexican military to police the US-Mexico border. 381 new miles of border wall have been built, with hundreds more under construction. Promise made, promise kept.

President Trump promised to Put America First by renegotiating bad trade deals to the benefit of America’s farmers and workers. The result? We replaced the job-killing NAFTA deal with the USMCA, which is delivering myriad benefits to North Carolina’s auto industry workersfarmers, and manufacturers. Trade with Canada and Mexico supports more than 376,000 North Carolina jobs across various sectors which all stand to benefit from President Trump’s smart trade negotiations. Promise made, promise kept.

President Trump promised to unleash the American economy after 8 years of Joe Biden and Barack Obama’s historically slow economic “recovery.” The result? President Trump built the greatest economy the world has ever seen. His pro-growth policies delivered record-low unemployment—including for women, Hispanics, and African-Americans—and slashed job-killing regulations, leading to record-breaking economic heights. North Carolina added 235,000 jobs in the first three years of President Trump’s administration, including 11,900 manufacturing jobs. Promise made, promise kept.

Then, the global economy took a huge hit as the Chinese coronavirus, which was covered up by The Chinese Communist Party, spread across the world. President Trump took bold, decisive action to safeguard the American people. President Trump’s Chinese and European travel bans were light-years ahead of the curve and have been credited by health experts as saving thousands of lives.

Crucially, President Trump worked closely with Congress and the Senate—including North Carolina’s own Senator Thom Tillis—to secure the Paycheck Protection Program. That legislation saved 1.2 million North Carolina jobs by distributing over 129,000 loans worth a total of $12 billion across every corner of our great state. We’re able to weather the coronavirus storm because President Trump put us in tremendous economic position to withstand a crisis, and because he found creative, results-driven solutions to protect us. 

One true test of leadership is the ability to steer the ship through good times and bad alike. President Trump has shown the capacity to do so at every turn. Now, President Trump is leading us through a V-shaped economic recovery known as the “Great American Comeback.” In the last five months, North Carolina has added back a whopping 320,000 jobs, and the best is yet to come.  

President Trump’s strong record is even more impressive—and his case for re-election even clearer—when contrasted against what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are proposing. They would halt the Great American Comeback in its tracks with a $4 trillion tax hike and undoPresident Trump’s landmark tax cuts. Biden and Harris want to offer illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded health care and push outwardly socialist policies like the Green New Deal, which would cost North Carolina households and average of$70,000 in its first year alone. The Biden-Harris platform would devastate our economy and attack our personal freedoms. North Carolina can’t afford their radical, destructive, socialist wish list. 

We don’t need socialism. We need a President who will eradicate the Chinese coronavirus and rebuild our economy (again), support our troops and veterans, defend our borders, back the blue and put America first. We need four more years of President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.