WHATLEY: Now more than ever, we need Sen. Thom Tillis

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC)

Now more than ever, it’s clear that Senator Thom Tillis is the only choice to represent North Carolina in the Senate for six more years. Cal Cunningham has proven time and time again that he’s unfit to be our voice in Washington, DC.

This contrast has been particularly clear in recent weeks. As Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation in the Senate got underway — representing yet another promise kept by President Trump, who has appointed hundreds of high-quality conservative judges to every level of the judiciary system — Senator Tillis was front-and-center. Speaking in his role on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Tillis made a clear and cogent case for advancing Judge Barrett’s nomination. Judge Barrett’s sterling qualifications and character have been abundantly clear since President Trump made the great decision to appoint her, and Sen. Tillis played a key role in influencing and leading her confirmation.


What was Cal Cunningham doing? He was hiding from reporters, refusing to answer North Carolinians’ questions about his sordid scandals. It matters to North Carolina’s voters that Cunningham is under military and FEC investigation for having an affair with the wife of a fellow veteran. It matters that Cunningham based his entire campaign around an image of decency and integrity all while leading a double life. And it matters that Cunningham has shown true arrogance in refusing, time after time, to be held accountable to local press for his choices.

Don’t believe me? Take it from the Charlotte Observer. For the last 22 years, the Charlotte Observer has endorsed every Democrat candidate for North Carolina’s US Senate delegation without fail. That ended this year, when due to Cunningham’s dishonesty and lack of transparency, they refused to endorse his campaign. In their non-endorsement, the Charlotte Observer wrote:

But in these past two weeks, [Cunningham] has avoided questions about his behavior — whether it’s part of a pattern, how it conflicts with his military obligations, and if it involved any campaign funds. That’s not accountability. It’s political strategy.

There’s no question that Cunningham’s recent behavior makes him unfit to represent us in the Senate. That becomes even clearer when you take a look at Senator Tillis’s strong record throughout his first term in the Senate. Sen. Tillis has been an unwavering champion for our military communities, spearheading the VA Mission Act to improve health care and wait time for our veterans and fighting to secure record-breaking pay raises for our men and women in uniform. He has worked hand-in-hand with President Trump to cut our taxes, undo the job-killing regulations put on our businesses by the Obama-Biden administration, and to confirm hundreds of conservative judges. He has done so with the high character and integrity that us North Carolinians expect of our elected officials.

Given the current climate of riots and disrespect for police, it’s additionally important to consider that Senator Tillis has earned the support of law enforcement groups across North Carolina. Cal Cunningham has not. Law and order is fundamental to the function and success of our American society, and the fact that Cal Cunningham doesn’t understand that is as disqualifying as his many scandals.

This November, I’ll be voting to re-elect Senator Thom Tillis for six more years of working with President Trump to deliver wins for North Carolinians. You should do the same.

Michael Whatley is Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party.