TRUMP: Biden’s support for redirecting police funding is dangerous 

In this combination photo, president Donald Trump, left, speaks at a news conference on Aug. 11, 2020, in Washington and Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks in Wilmington, Del. on Aug. 13, 2020. (AP Photo)

As Democrat nominee for President Joe Biden, and the radical-left, continue to promote the defund-the-police movement, its important for North Carolinians to know what that would mean for our communities.  

Charlotte is on track to having one of its most deadly years on record, yet leading voices on todays left continue to promote  and amplify  the defund-the-police movement. Shootings are on the rise, as are violent crimes.  


Instead of rallying together with a message of unity and togetherness, Biden and the Democratic Party are attempting to take advantage of the unrest for what they believe is a political advantage.  

President Donald Trump knows that giving police the support and resources necessary to serve and protect their communities is critically important. Biden seems to believe that defunding, dismantling and scapegoating the men and women who defend our communities and families is what Americans want.  

Cities across America are facing a sharp increase in crime as police departments come under attack and are demonized by Biden and Democrats. For example, in New York, where homicide numbers have trended down in recent years, murders are up 23this year compared to last. In Milwaukee, the homicide rate is trending at a pace that will break the all-time record of 167 set in 1991. 

Despite the lefts attacks on law enforcement, Americans know that a vast majority of police officers protect and serve their community with class, dignity and honor. 

Anyone who has spent any time with law enforcement is also aware of the wide range of work conducted by the men and women in blue. 

Sometimes we forget that police officers are also members of our communities. They have families. They send their children to our schools. They attend our churches and we see them at community events throughout the year.  

Take, for example, officer Shaun Plount of the High Point Police Department. Officer Plount responded to a call about local resident Tammy Rories dog barking. Upon visiting Rories home, a simple gesture of asking the officer, “How are you doing? led to a conversation between the two that ended in prayer.  

It is examples like this that will bring our nation together and keep our communities and families safe.  

Supporting the men and women of law enforcement does not mean theres no room for improvement. Just like members of any profession, police officers should always look for ways to better carry out their responsibilities. President Trump understands that investment into training and recruiting is positive action that can lead to positive results. Meanwhile, Biden and the Democratic Party are actively rooting against common-sense reform, choosing instead to demonize, defund and dismantle police departments. 

I stand with President Trump, who understands the importance of standing with law enforcement in order to keep our communities and families safe. America cannot afford the weak leadership of Joe Biden, who is already capitulating to the radical left on anti-police policies.  

North Carolina residents should look to some of Americas largest cities, virtually all run by Democrats, when voting this November. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for scapegoating the police and demonizing the men and women in blue. A vote for President Trump is a vote for protecting our communities and keeping our families safe. 

Thats why I proudly stand with President Donald J. Trump. 

Lara Trump is a senior advisor to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and President Trumps daughter-in-law.