RALEIGH — Led by Rep. Keith Kidwell (R-Beaufort), House Republican Caucus members signed a letter of support for the rapidly rising number of Second Amendment Sanctuaries in neighboring Virginia and other areas where such sanctuaries have been declared.
“With recent elections, the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and their God-given rights are coming under attack from their own government,” the first line of the letter reads.
The letter does not mention Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam by name but does make mention of several bills introduced in the Virginia legislature that would “severely infringe” on the rights of the people of the state to “keep and bear arms.”
“Proud to stand with my fellow Republican Caucus members in supporting the 2nd Amendment Rights of all Americans. Also a huge shout out to Rep. Keith D Kidwell for his leadership in organizing this statement of support,” wrote Rep. Jason Saine (R-Lincoln) on Facebook.
The letter, signed by over 45 House Republicans, encourages counties in North Carolina that are considering passing or that have already passed a Second Amendment resolution to “stand firm against any government that would seek to usurp the rights of the people.”
The gun rights sanctuary movement tracks back to 2018 in Illinois after newly elected Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker promised to promote new gun control legislation upon taking office. The first Second Amendment Sanctuary city sprang up in response in Effingham County.
The language of Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions and declarations have varied but most make clear the intention of local officials to oppose any “unconstitutional restrictions” on the right to keep and bear arms.
Gun advocates, Civil Rights proponents and gun owners are keeping up the pressure by demanding local and county level leaders establish sanctuaries for gun rights.
The movement shows no signs of slowing with and as of the middle of January, Sanctuary resolutions have spread to 130 counties, cities and towns in Virginia.
Hundreds of Second Amendment Sanctuaries have cropped up in other states such as Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Florida, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and West Virginia.
South Carolina’s Horry County is currently considering a Second Amendment resolution, which would be the first one in the state. Horry County Councilman Johnny Vaught told local media that he received an email from a citizen asking the Horry County Council to consider a gun rights sanctuary measure.
In North Carolina, Davidson County became the seventh and most recent county to adopt such a resolution. Officials in Cherokee, Lincoln, Rowan, Stokes, Surry and Wilkes counties have all adopted similar resolutions. Stanly and Randolph counties will be considering resolutions in the coming weeks.