RALEIGH — On Sept. 7, the Terpsichorean Club of Raleigh held its 92nd North Carolina Debutante Ball at Meymandi Concert Hall in Raleigh. The club, comprised of young gentlemen from the capital area, was formed to sponsor an annual statewide Debutante Ball with the purpose of presenting the state’s up-and-coming young ladies and, in doing so, honoring their families. The ball has been a tradition since 1923 with the exception of the years the United States was involved in World War II. The Terpsichorean Club president is James Curtis McCaskill.
Selection of the debutantes is completed by more than 200 nominators from across the state with final selections made by the Terpsichorean Club members. Invitations are extended to the debutantes in recognition of the contributions their families have made to North Carolina in the areas of economic, cultural, social and civic life.
The chairman of the 2018 ball is William Hargrave McElroy who leads a committee to oversee the arrangements of the eight functions of the weekend and the formal presentation at the ball. Henriette Dargan Williams-Alexander was chair of the Girls Committee. Additional officers of the Terpsichorean Club are: Alexander Christopher Bean, vice president; Surry Cowper Wood, secretary-treasurer; and Christopher Lee Woody II, assistant secretary-treasurer.
The 2018 North Carolina Debutantes are:
Sheldon Elizabeth Smith (Sheldon) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lendell Smith
Julia Frances Fite (Julia) daughter of Mr. Harold Heafner Fite and the late Mrs. Frances Dudley Fite
Hannah Grace Keel (Hannah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Griffin Keel
Katherine Louise Cox (Katherine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lee Cox
Bennett Harding Sapp (Bennett) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Ivars Sapp
Sarah Baez Sherman (Baez) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Sherman
Eliza Neal Irwin (Eliza) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brittain Irwin
Peyton Elizabeth Adzema (Peyton) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg David Adzema
Ann Isabella Haywood Barney (Bella) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Michael Barney
Mary Catherine Beecy (Mary Catherine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven John Beecy
Virginia Phillips Blanton (Virginia) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles McAnally Blanton
Hannah Pattison Burlingame (Hannah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Burlingame
Olivia Marin Carlino (Olivia) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neil Carlino
Lillian McKewen Curme (Lillian) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey McKewen Curme
Eliza Stafford Flanagan (Eliza) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Houghton Flanagan
Ansley Elizabeth Hardison (Ansley) daughter of Mr. Edward Hooper Hardison, Jr. and Mrs. Ann McCall Hardison
Anna Grace Houser (Anna) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Todd Houser
Lindsay Morehead Larkin (Lindsay) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Alexander Larkin, Jr.
Sarah Margaret McArthur (Sarah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrison McArthur III
Elizabeth Braden McPhail (Braden) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lee McPhail
Lily Rhook O’Connor (Lily Rhook) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Blake O’Connor
Frances Aurelia Perkinson (Frances) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Jones Perkinson III
Grace Elizabeth Pickett (Grace) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Everett Pickett
Patricia Vaughan Poole (Vaughan) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ashton Poole
Isabel Scott Stedman (Isabel) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Norman Stedman
Mary Margaret Welton (Maggie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Denison Welton
Kathryn Avery Wiggs (Avery) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kent Wiggs
Hadley Blake Daniel (Blake) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor Daniel
Emma-Claire Wood Purdie (Emma) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Boyce Purdie
Hannah Ross Patten (Hannah Ross) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford Patten, Jr.
Lillian Adelle Patten (Adelle) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford Patten, Jr.
Rachel Lee Neisler (Rachel) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sommers Neisler
Whitney Howard Collier (Whitney) daughter of Mr. Raymond Otis Collier, Jr. and Mrs. Leraine Howard Tolston
Katherine Anne Lloyd (Kate) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Danny Keith Lloyd
Lucy Wescott McLeod (Lucy) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Alan McLeod
Rebecca Purnell Rouse (Nella) daughter of Mr. James Bristol Rouse, Jr. and Mrs. Allison Cozart Rouse
Elizabeth Ellis Toms (Ellis) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Logan Toms III
Ashton Radcliffe Vermillion (Ashton) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Drew Vermillion
Eva Chandler Bergeron (Chandler) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Omer Bergeron
Eleanor Clark Burcham (Eleanor) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott Creighton
Eliza McRorie Coxe (Eliza) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Miles Badham Coxe
Katherine Granbery Rascoe (Katie) daughter of Mr. John Peter Rascoe III and Ms. Katherine Elizabeth Keel
Anne Claire Foreman (Anne Claire) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Bertrand Foreman III
Sophia Muse Holt (Sophie) daughter of Mr. Frank Stone Holt III and Mrs. Katherine Wright Boon
Madison Elizabeth Averette (Madison) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vance Averette, Jr.
Vivian MacLaine Birch (MacLaine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thackeray Birch
Charlotte Grace Hasty (Charlotte) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hampton Hasty
Anna Frances Perko (Anna) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cramer Perko
Anna Lawrence Allen (Anna) daughter of The Honorable and Mrs. Lawrence Cobin Allen
Aimée Marie Barnes (Aimée) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Best Barnes II
Catherine Miller Langston (Catherine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Motley Langston
Alexandra Reid Davis (Sandra) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Lawrence Davis IV
Frances Allen DuBose (Allie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Stockton DuBose
Merrimon Baird Gravely (Merri Baird) daughter of Mr. William Merrimon Gravely and Mrs. Thomas Eastwood Medlin
Madeline Quarrier Jones (Madeline) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Leak Jones, Sr.
Caroline Harrington Moore (Caroline) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McLean Moore, Jr.
Corinne Staton Nussbaum (Corinne) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Andrew Nussbaum
Lucy Saunders Pearce (Lucy) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wolfe Pearce III
Ashley Chandler Simpson (Chandler) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evander Samuel Simpson IV
Lillian Fordham Washburn (Lilly) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Heywood Washburn II
Mable Elizabeth Blount (Mable) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Little Blount, Sr.
Molly Reynolds Cox (Molly) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steven Cox
Caroline Connemara Doherty (Caroline) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Godfrey Thomas Doherty
Martha Ann McDowell Williams (Martha Ann) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Edward Williams
Sara Bondurant Young (Sara) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Beauregard Young IV
Margaret Caroline Bolick (Carlie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Bolick
Frances Cooper Lail (Franny) daughter of Mr. Bradley Charles Lail and Mrs. Fanny Peel Lail
Grace Lane Fulton Henley (Laney) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyden Henley III
Savannah Crowell Hill (Savannah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kendall Hill, Jr.
Camden Elaine Alford (Camden) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kevin Alford
Colleen Omega Creech (Colleen) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Creech, Jr.
Taylor Alexandra Creech (Taylor) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hardy Creech II
Julia Wright Grady (Julia) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Thomas Grady II
Blair Timmons Poirier (Blair) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Timothy John Poirier
Meredith Teal Belk (Meredith) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Teal Belk
English Dare Watson (English) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector McNeill Watson, Jr.
Catherine Rose Austin (Catherine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Odell Austin
Jane Ellen Blackerby (Jane Ellen) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brittain Blackerby, Sr.
Kristen Lake Hoard (Lake) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stephen Hoard IV
Margaret Carson Honeycutt (Carson) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrew Honeycutt
Haley Elizabeth McGuirt (Haley) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wyman Thomas McGuirt
Oksana Andrea Abee (Oksana) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee Abee
Brooke Allen Bacheler (Brooke) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy James Bacheler
Elizabeth Hope Barkley (Lizzie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adolphus Barkley III
Sarah Ellen Batchelder (Sarah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bret Allan Batchelder
Rachael Shields Bennett (Shields) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Butler Bennett III
Margaret Scott Black (Scottie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Esley Allen Black
Virginia Tharpe Blake (Virginia) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mark Blake
Ella Holding Bristow (Ella) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonald Bristow
Sarah Goodwin Brook (Sarah Goodwin) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gary Brook
Jane Williams Gower Brown (Jane) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence Brown III
Elizabeth Holt Browning (Elizabeth) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holt Browning
Elizabeth Garrison Bryant (Elizabeth) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armour Bryant
Hadley Carolyn Callaway (Hadley) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George Hadley Callaway
Katherine Turner Childrey (Katie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Childrey
Lucy Downing Church (Lucy) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Church
Mary McGowan Collie (Mary Mac) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Floyd McGowan Collie
Katherine Evans Corsetti (Katherine) daughter of Mr. David Joseph Corsetti and Ms. Christine Ann Evans
Eliza Robeson Cozart (Liza) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lester Cozart III
Anna Wynne Dillon (Anna) daughter of The Honorable and Mrs. Robert Christopher Dillon
Molly Price Dillon (Molly) daughter of The Honorable and Mrs. Robert Christopher Dillon
Catherine Currin Earp (Catherine) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Scott Collins Earp
Holly Montgomery Everett (Holly) daughter of Mr. Mark Connelly Everett and Mrs. Timothy William Giambra
Grace Jeanne Fricke (Grace) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Robert Fricke
Sydney Scott Harris (Sydney) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lapsley Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ross
Elizabeth Carson Harvey (Carson) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Ray Harvey
Hope Marie Hatfield (Hope) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carson Hatfield
Grace Lynora Hawley (Grace) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eason Hawley
Mary Jeanne Hipp (Mary Jeanne) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junius B Hipp, Jr.
Carly Elizabeth Hoft (Carly) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Charles Hoft
Caroline Aurora Holden (Caroline) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wall Holden III and Mrs. Katherine Woodburn Holden
Margaret Murray Hollowell (Margaret Murray) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Edgar Hollowell III
Ann Cannon Hoover (Ann Cannon) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Curran Hoover, Jr.
Katharine Elizabeth Hall Jones (Katharine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bain Jones, Jr.
Savannah Sharon Jones (Savannah) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. David Turner Jones
Martha Anne Wooten Joyce (Wooten) daughter of Mr. James Ronald Joyce II and Ms. Frances Anne Chambliss Lamm
Megan Elizabeth Klinck (Megan) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore John Klinck
Elizabeth Ann Krause (Eliza) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Charles Krause, Jr.
Hannah Frances Landi (Hannah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anthony Landi
Sarah Haywood Langston (Sarah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dortch Langston III
Carolyn Elisabeth May (Carolyn) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walter May
Mary Taylor McIntosh (Taylor) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Smithy McIntosh
Sarah Parker Umstead Merriman (Sarah Parker) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Morrison Merriman
Maeve Margaret Millen (Maeve) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pressly McAuley Millen III
Mary Barnes Moore (Mary Barnes) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Barnes Moore, Jr.
Mary Catherine Elizabeth Morris (Mary Catherine) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Theodore Morris
Stewart Elizabeth Morse (Stewart) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael David Morse
Elizabeth Anne Moye (Bess) daughter of Mr. David King Moye and Mrs. Kelley Dixon Russell
Lindsey Jane Munster (Lindsey) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Arnold Munster
Elizabeth Harman Sowers Mutter (Elise) daughter of Ms. Virginia Fiske Johnson
Zoe Marlena Neijna (Zoe) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mitchell Neijna
Virginia Thorne Pace (Virginia) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downing Taylor Pace
Alexis MacKenzie Parker (Alexis) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Blake Hood
Virginia Jordan Parker (Virginia) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tillery Parker
Morgan Paige Peterson (Morgan) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hilmer Peterson III
Emily Hayworth Reece (Emily) daughter of Mrs. E. Kemp Reece, Jr. and the late Mr. E. Kemp Reece, Jr.
Sophia Baumer Rhoads (Sophie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Patrick Rhoads, Jr.
Sara McNeill Sanders (Sara) daughter of Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Sanders and the late Mr. Thomas Jefferson Sanders
Patterson Clark Sheehan (Patterson) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Butler Sheehan
Mary Hannah Sigmon (Mary Hannah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lauriston Hardin Sigmon
Cameron Briggs Smith (Cameron) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clifton Smith
Sarah Elizabeth Smith (Sally) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Adams Smith III
Lawson Lorraine Strickland (Lawson) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Andrew Strickland
Catherine Gaither Sugg (Catherine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnston Sugg
Laura Marie Talton (Laura) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ralph Talton III
Harriet Green Tharrington (Hattie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Nunn Tharrington, Jr.
Cameron Covington Tulloss (Cameron) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Harrison Tulloss II
DeBow Dunwoody Turpin (DeBow) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Taylor Turpin
Elizabeth Hope Voelkel (Hope) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gerard Voelkel
Lillian Marie Wayne (Lily) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Conrad Wayne
Kathryn Leigh Weil (Kathryn) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Weil
Carlie Elizabeth Wilson (Carlie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Phillip Wilson
Dillon Grace Wingo (Dillon) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Scot Wingo
Lucy York Wyche (Lucy) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunter Wyche, Jr.
Anna Foy Brady (Anna) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Foy Brady
Katherine Slade Canady (Slade) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wayne Canady
Barkley Hart Browder (Barkley) daughter of Doctors David Allen Browder and Lesley Burkhead Browder
Rachel Scott Dunn (Rachel Scott) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Scott Dunn
Jane Gregory Ives (Jane) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Allen Ives III
Catherine Alexander Lilley (Cate) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Moye Lilley
Suzanna Arrington Mosley (Suzanna) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grady Mosley
Elender Reeve Pittman (Lindy) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Pittman
Kelly Anne Faulk (Kelly Anne) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Kelly Faulk, Jr.
Harriet Dare Pickard (Dare) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Pickard, Jr.
Carson Elizabeth Josey (Carson) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Harris Josey
Maxwell Lauren Miller (Max) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. David Charles Miller
Emily Heath Whitehurst (Emily) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Edwin Whitehurst
Harley Grace Crumpler (Harley) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Kelly Crumpler
Sydney Madelyn Edwards (Sydney) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hughes Edwards
Katherine Braswell Lynch (Katherine) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walker Lynch
Sarah Bethany Lynch (Sarah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walker Lynch
Mary Ashburn Mann (Mary Ashburn) daughter of Mrs. Katherine Sawyer Mann and the late Mr. Samuel Austin Mann
Mary Margaret Robison (Mary Margaret) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George Daniel Robison IV
Louise Dibrell Sloan (Libby) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves Sloan
Sara Woodward Sloan (Sally) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Boykin Sloan, Jr.
Elizabeth Maegan Grantham Spears (Maegan) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lindley Spears III
Louise Wood Stephenson (Louise) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Severance Taft Stephenson
Morelle Vaulter Tinsley (Morelle) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Allan Tinsley, Jr.
Margaret Elizabeth White (Liza) daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Lankford White
Grayson Victoria Ferrell (Grayson) daughter of Mr. Larry Dwayne Ferrell and Ms. Charlotte Dianne Vick
Anna Merritt Hauser (Anna Merritt) daughter of Mr. Gregory Lee Hauser and Mrs. Robin Bailey Hauser
Carrington Anne Metts (Carrington) daughter of Doctors Jobe Coy Metts III and Margaret Cabell Metts
Logan Aycock Walston (Logan) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hearn Walston
Margaret deRosset Bassett (Margaret) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Bassett IV
Hope Katherine Bray (Hope) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gregory Bray
Grace Belk Broughton (Gracie) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wesley Cooper Broughton
McNeely Watts DuBose (Neely) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McNeely DuBose, Jr.
Stella Elizabeth McAuley (Stella) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Robert McAuley
Elizabeth Archer Moore (Elizabeth) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson LaFar Moore
Courtney Elizabeth Rhoades (Courtney) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alexander Rhoades
Caroline Elizabeth Welch (Caroline) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Leo Welch III