Clashes in Rome as Italian police evict refugee squatters from public square

Police say refugees had refused to accept lodging offered by the city

Italian Police use a water cannon as they clash with refugee squatters who had occupied a small square in central Rome, Italy August 24, 2017. (Yara Nardi | Reuters)

ROME (Reuters) — Police using water cannon and batons clashed on Thursday with refugees who had occupied a small Rome square in defiance of an order to leave a building where they had been squatting.

The clashes were the latest example of tensions in Italy as the country deals with an influx of migrants. They quickly became fodder for political debate, particularly on the police handling of the incident.


Refugees were screaming and trying to hit police, who were dressed in riot gear and carrying sticks.

The square, just one block from Rome‘s main train station, was strewn with mattresses, overturned rubbish bins and broken plastic chairs.

Some 100 refugees had occupied Piazza Independenza since Saturday, when most of about 800 squatters were evicted from an adjacent office building they had occupied for about five years.

Refugees hang a banner reading “We are refugees, we aren’t terrorists”, after being forcibly removed from a building where they had been living, in central Rome, Italy, August 20, 2017. Picture taken August 20, 2017. (Alessandro Bianchi | Reuters)

Most of the squatters were Eritreans who had been granted asylum, but police said they had refused to accept lodging offered by the city.

In a statement, the police said the refugees had gas canisters, some of which they had opened, and officers had been hit by rocks, bottles and pepper spray. Two people were arrested.

Doctors With Borders said in a statement that its medics had given first aid to 13 refugees, including one for a broken bone, while Human Rights Watch and members of some leftist political parties criticized the police handling of the situation, saying the use of such force was disproportionate.

“The authorities need to urgently find appropriate, alternative housing, and investigate the use of force by the police during the eviction,” said Judith Sunderland, associate director for Europe at Human Rights Watch.

“It’s hard to see how the use of water cannon on people was necessary or proportionate,” she said.

Various Roman Catholic groups that help immigrants also criticized police handling of the situation.

But the Italian police union COISIP said officers were forced to use water cannon because of the “risk of explosions caused by flammable liquids.”

Squatters had put cooking gas tanks on the railing of a first-floor balcony, apparently ready to be opened to be used as makeshift flamethrowers, or dropped onto the square, Reuters photographers said on Wednesday.

A refugee protests in the street after being removed by police officers from a small square that had been occupied by refugee squatters, in central Rome, Italy August 24, 2017. (Yara Nardi | Reuters)

Matteo Salvini, head of the right-wing, anti-immigrant Northern League, Tweeted his unequivocal support of police, saying “Go boys: Evictions, order, cleaning up and EXPULSIONS! Italians are with you.”

More than 600,000 boat migrants have arrived in Italy from North Africa since 2014. Some 200,000 asylum seekers now stay in state-run shelters.