LETTER: No to The Better Care Reconciliation Act

The North State Journal | Madeline Gray

“The Better Care Reconciliation Act” is a cruel proposal. It guts Medicaid, an insurance program that 79 million Americans rely on, including many seniors living in nursing homes. Millions covered under the Affordable Care Act will be subject to new skyrocketing premiums, higher co-pays and reduced coverage, if they can afford insurance at all. Recent Congressional Budget Office estimates show that about 22 million Americans will lose insurance coverage if the bill passes.Lawmakers claim that the current system is financially unsustainable. That can be seen for the naked lie it is by further reading the CBO report. The CBO estimates the pending bill will eventually transfer around $1 trillion out of the existing health care system to cover tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. Indeed 40 percent of that money will go to households with incomes greater than $1 million per year. So the money is clearly available to help Americans have access to health insurance. Yet, the authors of the bill would prefer that money go to the very well off instead.The shocking cynicism and meanness of this bill calls for action. I ask anyone reading this to contact their senators and urge them to vote “no” on the “Better Care Reconciliation Act.” Do it today.Mark RossLumberton, North Carolina