Trump speech signals quick action, “America First”

Donald Trump and his wife Melania wave to crowd after he was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Donald Trump took power as the 45th president of the United States on Friday and pledged to end the “American carnage” of social and economic woes and put “America first” in an inaugural address that was a populist rallying cry.InsideGov | Graphiq”From this moment on, it’s going to be America First,” the Republican told thousands of people gathered on the grounds of the National Mall as he took over the presidency from Democrat Barack Obama. The speech was notable absent of the word “I” instead using “will” most often. His predecessor, Barack Obama was widely criticized for his frequent use of “I.” Away from the ceremony, masked activists protesting against Trump ran through the streets smashing windows at a McDonald’s restaurant, a Starbucks coffee shop and a steakhouse several blocks from the White House. They carried black anarchist flags and signs that said, “Join the resistance, fight back now.”InsideGov | GraphiqIn his speech, Trump, 70, said the Washington establishment of protecting itself but abandoning regular citizens who have suffered from poverty and crime.”This American carnage stops right here and stops right now,” he said. “Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families,” he said.Trump, 70, takes over as supporters of his opponent Hillary Clinton are still reeling from her defeat on November 8. More than 60 Democratic lawmakers boycotted the ceremony led by Rep. John Lewis who also boycotted George W. Bush’s swearing-in. Demonstrators are planning a “Women’s March on Washington” on Saturday. Hillary Clinton attended the ceremony with her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Trump thanked her for coming in comments before the legislative luncheon.Trump’s address revisited the themes of the campaign speeches that carried him to a victory. Among other themes, he Trump signaled the possibility of a more aggressive approach to Islamic State militants.”We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones, and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth,” he said.After repeating the 35-word oath of office, Trump stretched his arms wide and hugged his wife, Melania, and other members of his family. Ceremonial cannon blasts fired.The transition from a Democratic president to a Republican took place before a crowd of former presidents and dignitaries.Obama headed to a vacation in Palm Springs, California, after the ceremony. Before sitting down to lunch in the Capitol’s Statuary Hall, Trump shook hands with both Clintons.Trump’s ascension to the White House, while welcomed by Republicans tired of Obama’s eight years in office, raises a host of questions for the United States.Trump campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist path and has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods on imports from U.S. companies that went abroad.Trump’s to-do list has given Republicans hope that, since they also control the U.S. Congress, they can quickly repeal and replace Obama’s signature healthcare law, approve sweeping tax reform and roll back many federal regulations they say are stifling the U.S. economy.”He’s going to inject a shock to the system here almost immediately,” Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway told Fox News.Democrats, in search of firm political footing after the unexpected defeat of Clinton, are planning to fight him at every turn.