Trump campaigns through NC, praises FBI for re-opening Clinton investigation

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump attends a campaign event on the tarmac of the airport Oct. 26in Kinston

KINSTON, N.C. — On news that the FBI will be re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, on Friday Donald Trump spoke to a crowd in New Hampshire chanting “lock her up!””Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must never let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office,” Trump said, reading from prepared remarks. “I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the Department of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made.”The surprise announcement came after Trump’s marathon campaign schedule included N.C. stops this week. He stopped in Charlotte and Kinston, with running mate Mike Pence wrapping up Friday night in Smithfield. In Charlotte Trump, along with son Eric and daughter-in-law Lara, greeted voters and spoke about bringing jobs to what he called “blighted” inner city neighborhoods, pushing school choice and eliminating common core, and “crippling crime and total violence” in the African-American community.”In 2015, violent crime in Charlotte increased by 18 percent,” Trump told the crowd. “And it’s expected to rise to 24 percent this year… Safety is a civil right. The problem is not the presence of police but the absence of police.”In Charlotte, Trump also talked about his plan for the “21st century Glass-Steagall,” which would build on the 1933 Depression-era law requiring the separation of commercial and investment banking. Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999 under then-President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton’s husband. The 2008 financial crisis prompted an overhaul of banking rules with the passage in 2010 of “Dodd-Frank” Wall Street reforms that many Republicans have criticized.”Dodd-Frank has been a disaster, making it harder for small businesses to get the credit they need,” Trump said.On Wednesday, Trump visited Kinston, which was ravaged by Hurricane Matthew’s floodwaters. Trump Force One landed at the Kinston Jetport where thousands turned out to tell Trump to “drain the swamp” of Washington politics.”In 13 days, we’re going to win North Carolina and we’re going to win back the White House, believe me,” he said.On Thursday, the campaign ran into bad weather in New York as a plane carrying U.S. Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence skidded off the runway after landing in the rain at New York City’s LaGuardia Airport. The incident halted all flights for at least an hour, officials said.No one was injured in the incident, which occurred less than two weeks before the U.S. presidential election, crucial campaign days for Pence and running mate Donald Trump. There were about 30 people on board, including Pence’s wife Linda and daughter.”So thankful everyone on our plane is safe,” the Indiana governor said on Twitter after the incident. “Grateful for our first responders & the concern & prayers of so many.”Pence hit the campaign trail again on Friday, where he appeared in Smithfield, N.C. for the Conservative Rally with Gov. Pat McCrory, Sens. Richard Burr and Thom Tillis, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest and other Republican leaders, followed by Jacksonville, N.C. on Saturday.