MCMAHON: Putting North Carolina first

As a native of New Bern, North Carolina, I know firsthand that my fellow North Carolinians are some of the most hard-working, tough, and innovative people in the country. As communities across the state recover and rebuild after Hurricane Helene — even in the wake of the federal government’s failure — the resilience of my home state has never been clearer.

But no matter how much grit and determination we bring to the table, it’s becoming harder and harder to make ends meet in the economy that President Biden and Vice President Harris have built.


Under this administration, our state’s workers, small businesses, and families are being squeezed like never before. With just weeks to go until the most consequential election of our lifetimes, it’s time to take stock of the last four years and decide whether we want more of the same or if we want to take our state — and our country — in a new direction.

North Carolinians are feeling the pinch everywhere. From heating homes to putting food on the table, the cost of living has spiraled out of control. In North Carolina alone, electricity prices have jumped by 29%, gas prices have surged by 56%, and grocery prices are up by 20%. For small business owners, these rising costs are making it nearly impossible to stay afloat, let alone expand, hire new workers, or invest in growth.

These challenges are not happening by chance. They are a direct result of the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless and misguided policies. Their unprecedented $6 trillion spending spree unleashed historic inflation, pushing prices through the roof for everyday essentials. To contain this inflation, interest rates have climbed, making it harder for families to buy homes and for small businesses to access capital. Families are stuck with skyrocketing bills while wages can’t keep up, and business owners are left struggling to keep their doors open.

To make matters worse, the Biden administration has layered on $1.7 trillion in new regulations on businesses, along with nearly 330 million hours of additional paperwork. These burdens fall hardest on small business owners, who don’t have the resources to navigate the endless red tape coming out of Washington. Unlike big corporations, they can’t afford armies of lawyers and consultants to comply with the onslaught of new regulations.

And while Biden touts his “green energy” agenda, everyday Americans recognize the damage it’s done to both our jobs and energy security. His war on fossil fuels and heavy-handed push for electric vehicle mandates have threatened thousands of jobs in North Carolina’s manufacturing sector. Beyond the job losses, these policies have driven up energy prices, hitting working-class families the hardest. Union leaders and progressive advocacy groups may cheer these policies, but it’s the people of North Carolina who are stuck footing the bill through higher prices and reduced access to affordable, reliable energy.

At a time when North Carolinians are struggling, we need leadership that puts our people first. We need policies that recognize that every new regulation, every tax increase, and every bureaucratic hurdle makes it harder for families to get ahead and for businesses to succeed. What we need is an America First agenda — because we know these policies work.

Under the previous administration, we cut taxes, reduced regulations, and prioritized American workers. These policies unleashed one of the strongest economies in U.S. history. We saw record-low unemployment, rising wages, and more money staying in the pockets of hardworking North Carolinians. Small businesses thrived because they weren’t bogged down by excessive regulations and high taxes. North Carolinians felt confident in their futures again.

Now, as we head into the next election, we face a clear choice. We can continue down the current path of rising prices, shrinking job opportunities, and ever-growing government interference in our lives. Or we can choose leaders who will put North Carolina first — who will restore economic sanity, lift up our workers, and support the small businesses that are the backbone of our state.

An America First agenda worked before, and it can work again. It’s time to bring back the policies that strengthen our economy, empower our workers, and give every North Carolinian the chance to succeed. This election is our opportunity to choose a better future — for ourselves, our families, and our great state.

Linda McMahon serves on the board of America First Works and is the former administration of the U.S. Small Business Administration.