Heritage Sentinel Fund goes after Beasley over murder case

Image from Heritage Sentinel Fund ad attacking Cheri Beasley over her involvement in a murder case involving the shooting of a State Trooper.

RALEIGH — Heritage Sentinel Fund jumped into North Carolina’s U.S. Senate race this week with a $1 million ad hitting Democratic nominee Cheri Beasley over her representation of a man convicted of murder an N.C. State Trooper.

In an interview, Heritage Action for America president Jessica Anderson told North State Journal the goal of the ad was to highlight “Cheri Beasley’s soft on crime stance she’s had throughout her career.”


Anderson said the Heritage Sentinel Fund, which is a super PAC and partner organization created by Heritage Action organization, was established to allow the group to make the case directly to voters.

“It takes the really compelling story of Ed Lowry, a State Trooper, and unpacks her involvement in a murder case the gripped the state under the backdrop of her saying she had endorsement of law enforcement,” Anderson continued.

Lowry served as a trooper for 22 years and was murdered along with Cumberland County Deputy David Hathcock by 17-year-old Kevin Golphin and 19-year-old Tilmon Golphin. The brothers had been sentenced death but subsequent decisions instead gave them life sentences.

“We wanted to highlight the hypocrisy around her being pro law and order and keeping communities safe… it triggered us who have followed her career,” Anderson told NSJ. “Violent crime is spiking nationwide and what her actual policy positions are, there’s a lot of stories to tell about her.”

This election cycle also marks the first for Heritage Action and the Sentinel Action Fund.

Active since March, the group has supported Arizona Republican U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters with over $8 million, Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker and New Hampshire Republican U.S. Senate candidate Don Bulduc.

Anderson praised Budd’s record in his three terms in Congress saying he was a fighter who won’t shy away from tough votes and can “deep dive” on issues such as inflation and parents’ rights.

“Once people get to know Budd they love him. His ability to get across the state and continuing to meet voters in this last push is going to be critical,” she added.

Anderson said she also hoped Budd would be a leader in tackling the crisis at the southern border, which she says directly impacts many other important issues such as the policies of rogue prosecutors, lackluster leadership, defense attorneys, and ‘defund the police’ movements that have crippled state police departments.

“The border is a clarion call for these issues across the country,” said Anderson.

She also said that the Heritage Action Sentinel program has folks in the ground nationwide including North Carolina going door-to-door talking to voters and participating in poll watching at voting precincts.

About Matt Mercer 472 Articles
Matt Mercer is the editor in chief of North State Journal and can be reached at [email protected].