RNC hires state election integrity director

Early voters line up to cast their ballots inside the South Regional Library polling location in Durham, N.C., Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

RALEIGH — The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced it hired three full-time staff in North Carolina, Georgia and Maine dedicated to election integrity.

According to the RNC, the directors will recruit and train election-integrity volunteers to become poll watchers, collaborate with state parties and local stakeholders, and promote best practices for fair and secure elections.


The RNC says the new hires underscore their efforts to build a year-round operation on the ground that will enhance transparency in future elections. In North Carolina, the RNC hired David Warren, who previously served as a field director for the organization in Ohio.

“In order for our democratic process to work, Americans must have confidence that our elections are free, fair, and transparent. Making it easier to vote and harder to cheat requires boots on the ground, and that’s why the RNC is deploying election integrity directors to key states like North Carolina,” said RNC spokeswoman Alex Nolley in a statement.

In highlighting the RNC has already done on the issue in the state, Nolley pointed to a proposed change the State Board of Elections attempted to make limited the number of poll observers statewide.

Following comments from the RNC, North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP), and others concerned the change could limit transparency, the election board reversed course.

“This is an example of the type of oversight activities that the RNC election integrity team will be conducting,” Nolley told North State Journal.

She added that those would want to get involved in the effort can volunteer through the RNC or NCGOP. Nolley said that the NCGOP is already holding election integrity workshops with activists across the state.

About Matt Mercer 472 Articles
Matt Mercer is the editor in chief of North State Journal and can be reached at [email protected].