Club for Growth raises over $5 million to support Budd

Rep. Ted Budd at his family farm in Davie County. Courtesy photo

RALEIGH — The conservative group Club for Growth Action, the fundraising arm of the influential Club for Growth, announced last week it has raised $5.1 million to support U.S. Rep. Ted Budd’s campaign for U.S. Senate.

In a statement, Club for Growth Action President David McIntosh said, “Ted Budd is a true champion of pro-growth policies and we are proud to support his Senate campaign. We have already raised over $5 million for the race, and we plan to raise and spend even more.”


Budd has a 97% lifetime rating on Club for Growth Foundation’s Economic Scorecard, according to the organization.

The announcement is among the first tangible results of Budd’s string of endorsements since he entered the race in April.

U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC09) endorsed Budd soon after his announcement, which was followed by the Senate Conservatives Fund and former President Donald Trump.

Also last week, U.S. Rep. Brian Mast of Florida endorsed Budd, saying, “Ted knows that leadership is about service and sacrifice, not the perks of office. I’m proud to join President Trump in endorsing proven conservative leader Ted Budd for Senate.”